Community Profiles


Community Profiles

Get to know our students, alumni and instructors by reading about their backgrounds, interests, professional goals, favorite courses, accomplishments, careers, and more fascinating experiences. These stories cover a wide range of topics and showcase the talents of our vibrant global community. 

Community Profile

Lou Kramer’s 21st Century Archival Education

“I never knew what the standards were, and now I understand more what needs to be done. I can take my knowledge and apply it to our collections and make sure we’re doing what we need to be doing.”

Lou Kramer
Archives Manager, Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archives
iSchool Alumna (PMC 2016)

Community Profile

Jennifer Gavin Takes Archives To Space and Beyond

“I absolutely needed the MARA degree to get into this field. You need experience, continuing education through certifications or some manner, and you need the degree in order to really become successful and get that dream job.”

Jennifer Gavin
Atascadero, CA
Associate Intern, NASA
MARA Student (Expected Graduation Fall 2016)

Community Profile

Dolly Goulart Says Hello to Corporate Librarianship

“Our mission statement for the library is to provide actual intelligence to the employee base. At the end of the day, our purpose is to make sure that employees, for whatever reason they come to us, are smarter and more informed when they’ve left us.”

Dolly Goulart
Library Director, Qualcomm
iSchool Alumna (MLIS 2002)

San José State University School of Information alumna Dolly Goulart finds her niche in the world of corporate librarianship. 

Community Profile

Tiffany Davis: A Fast Tracked Library Life

“One of the key things that has helped facilitate my career is good leadership and great mentors.”

Tiffany Davis
Director of Branch Services, St. Louis Public Library
iSchool Alumna (MLIS, 2011)

Community Profile

Kayla Marie Figard: A Visionary For Youth Services

“Leadership is enabling and inspiring others to come up with great ideas and do great work. It’s not about me, it’s about us as a whole.”

Kayla Marie Figard
Community Program Specialist, Belmont Library
iSchool Alumna (MLIS 2016)

Community Profile

Linda Harper: Hingham Library’s First Female Director

“When you talk about value for the degree you get at SJSU: it’s useful, it’s immediate, there’s no throwaway classes or things that won’t help. I couldn’t do what I’m doing now without all the education and experiences I had in the online classes.”

Linda Harper
Director, Hingham Public Library
iSchool Alumna (MILS, 2015)

Community Profile

Scott Brown on Being a Cybrarian

San José State University School of Information alumnus turned instructor Scott Brown on being a cybrarian. From humble beginnings as a page in the Santa Cruz, California, public library, iSchool alumnus and instructor Scott Brown has come a long way in his career.

Community Profile

Kristi Westberg: A Real Page Turner

“I began the [iSchool] program begrudgingly. But as I’ve gone through it I’ve been shocked at how important it’s become to my career.”

Kristi Westberg
Dibner Book Conservator, Huntington Library
MLIS Student, Expected Graduation Fall 2016