

Students in the MARA program and those interested in archives and preservation, electronic records management, information governance, and related fields are highly encouraged to visit this blog often. Managed by MARA Program Coordinator Darra Hofman and written by a current MARA student, this blog will keep you current with the MARA community and what’s happening in the profession.



Wisconsin Open Records Law

Published: February 19, 2016 by Anna Maloney

A few weeks ago, the MARA blog covered the Netflix docuseries Making a Murderer, and the influx of records requests that Manitowoc County, Wisconsin has seen since the series premiered in December 2015. Wisconsin open records laws are now being publicly examined after a state board expanded the definition of “transitory records” to include correspondence (electronic and analog), interim files, and recordings used for training purposes.


SJSU iSchool Offers Advanced Certificates

Published: February 12, 2016 by Anna Maloney

Did you know that in addition to its degree offerings, the SJSU iSchool offers Advanced Certificates in Digital Assets and Services? Just like the MARA degree, all courses are offered 100% online and current students can count courses taken toward certificate requirements.


KMWorld Magazine

Published: February 8, 2016 by Anna Maloney

On January 31st, KMWorld, a leader in the content, document and knowledge management industries, published an article on knowledge management graduate programs.


Assessing Archives and Records Management Policy in Japan

Published: February 4, 2016 by Anna Maloney

In April of this year, Japan celebrates the fifth anniversary of the Public Records and Archives Management Act. Passed in the 2011, the act implemented a uniform management plan for administrative documents; introduced a records schedule; created requirements for reports on the management practice of government ministries; established a system of inspection and recommendation; and funds external professionals and the promotion of historical public records and archives.


Save the Date — Washington’s Digital Preservation Model

Published: January 27, 2016 by Anna Maloney

Welcome to the spring semester! Our first MARA guest lecturer this year is Debbie Bahn, who will be presenting Washington’s Digital Preservation Model on February 11th from 5:30-6:30 PST. Ms. Bahn is the Electronic Records Archivist for the Washington State Archives and will discuss the development of the institution’s digital repository, which was developed entirely in-house.


The Records of “Making a Murderer”

Published: January 21, 2016 by Anna Maloney

If you have Netflix or a social media account, you have probably heard something about the sensational true crime docuseries Making a Murderer. The Netflix Original Series follows the case of Steven Avery, a Wisconsin man who spent 18 years in prison for rape and attempted murder, but whose conviction was overturned by DNA evidence in 2003.


The Internet Archive Turns 20

Published: January 28, 2016 by Anna Maloney

In 2016, the Internet Archive celebrates its 20-year anniversary. Created in 1996 to capture and preserve websites and web pages, the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine is the front-end, user interface for these archived sites. This week, Forbes’ Kalev Leetaru looks into the history of this complex data capture and the organization’s Worldwide Web Crawls. The image below, from February 20, 1997, is the first SJSU homepage capture available through the Wayback Machine.


MARA Student Profile: Catherine Folnovic

Published: January 13, 2016 by Anna Maloney

The MARA program’s unique blend of archival studies and RIM, plus the online format, allows student Catherine Folnovic to keep working while receiving the professional credentials she needs to advance her career. 


Follow-up Thoughts from Robert Smallwood

Published: November 12, 2015 by Anna Maloney

Those of you who attended asked about job/internship leads and skills to prepare one for positions in Information Governance and related careers.  Robert Smallwood, who spoke on 11/05, wanted me to share the following with those who attended. But I thought all MARA students might be interested:


Archivo Nacional de la Republica de Cuba

Published: November 2, 2015 by Anna Maloney

Earlier this year, the United States restored diplomatic relations with Cuba. To (belatedly) honor this milestone, and in a program-wide effort to engage in an international perspective on archiving, this month’s spotlight is on the Archivo Nacional de le Republica de Cuba (ARNAC).