VCARA Blog: Activities and Events


VCARA Blog: Activities and Events

This is a historical glimpse of past VCARA information. For the latest information, and how to follow us on social media, please visit our blog at 


VCARA Orientations — Fall 2018

Published: July 19, 2018 by Alyse Dunavant-Jones

Join iSchool alumna and VCARA member Alyse Dunavant-Jones (Second Life avatar: alysedunavantjones) to learn Second Life basics and explore VCARA’s offerings:


VCARA Webcast: RIM & TRIM – 3/22/17

Published: March 9, 2017

Join VCARA on iSchool Island in Second Life on Wednesday 3/22/17 @ 6pm (Pacific) as Jennifer Crummey draws on over 20 years of records management experience at three different companies to share helpful steps and resources that can be used when building a Records Information Management Program for a company.


VCARA Webcast: Metaverse Libraries – 2/28/17

Published: February 7, 2017

Join Dr. Valerie Hill, Dr. Marie Vans, and Alyse Dunavant-Jones on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 @ 6pm (Pacific) as they discuss Metaverse Libraries, an initiative the three founded through their mutual interest in connecting virtual world communities.


Renaissance Island Celebrates 10 Years in Second Life

Published: January 29, 2017

Second Life offers many historical simulations, and the folks at Renaissance Island are especially committed to remaining true to history. Help them celebrate their 10 year milestone by exploring the island, scheduling a guided tour, or attending their special anniversary events.


Spotlight: The Prince of Whales – Traveling Exhibit

Published: November 2, 2016

Immerse yourself in Tiamat Windstorm’s study of politics, public engagement, censorship, and criticism surrounding late Georgian political humor!

Visit VCARA’s U-See-Em Building and check out the traveling exhibit “The Prince of Whales: Flawed Royalty and the Joy of Political Cartooning in the Mis-United Kingdom of George IV 1785-1830”.


VCARA Training: Creating a Virtual Quest – 11/7/16

Published: October 10, 2016

The speakers will share ways to create a quest with tips on promoting, troubleshooting, and interacting on a global scale.

Join Brant Knutzen (Blended Learning Consultant for the Education University of Hong Kong) and Dr. Valerie Hill (President of the Community Virtual Library) as they discuss how to create and host a virtual quest.


VCARA Panel Discussion – 10/18/16

Published: September 29, 2016

VCARA presents Real World Advantages Through Virtual World Experiences: Learning, Networking, e-Portfolio Building, and Interviewing.

Join Lori Bell, Alyse Dunavant-Jones, Jeni Crummey, and Marie Vans as they discuss how SJSU iSchool instructors and students have used virtual worlds to learn, teach, make connections, and even find a job!