iStudent Blog: Careers


iStudent Blog: Careers

iStudent Blog

Star Blog Posts of 2017 and 2018

Published: December 3, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

I thought it would be fun to look back at all the articles I wrote as the lead writer for the iStudent Blog over the last year or so and share my favorites with you. I’ve had the opportunity to interview students, alumni and faculty and write about topics ranging from student loans to setting goals. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading my articles and found them helpful too.

iStudent Blog

Learn About Technology Trends at the iSchool

Published: November 13, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

According to a new Gartner report, the top 10 strategic technology trends for 2019 include AI-driven development, virtual reality, augmented reality, blockchain and digital ethics. You have the opportunity to learn more about some of these trends during your time at the School of Information. Being prepared about technology trends that could impact your future work as an information professional will help you navigate the changes and to maximize them. Not to mention iSchool Director Dr. Hirsh shared with students that employers are looking for candidates with technological skills in her most recent virtual coffee chat

iStudent Blog

Work-From-Home LIS Careers

Published: September 10, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

When you think of library and information science or archives and records administration careers they are usually tied to a place, that is, a library or archive! While there are many types of jobs physically located in a library or archives building, many LIS career options lend themselves to working from home.

iStudent Blog

SLASC Members Tour Disney Animation Research Library

Published: September 4, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

Several members of the Special Libraries Association Student Chapter (SLASC) had a rare opportunity to go behind-the-scenes at the Disney Animation Research Library (ARL) in Southern California. Motivated by a love of Disney and a curiosity about special libraries, these iSchool students got together (some travelling a considerable distance) to take a tour of a one-of-a-kind special library. In this post, I feature some of the highlights and insights of this tour from the participants. I also focus on the professional development benefits of signing up for these extracurricular activities and suggest ideas on how to take your own tours of places that interest you.

iStudent Blog

Six Steps to Design the Internship of Your Dreams

istudent_maze.jpgPublished: February 12, 2018

Six simple steps for finding and submitting an internship opportunity.

Did you know that you have the option to set up your own custom internship? If the internship opportunities in the database don’t quite match up to your interests, it’s easy to create one that’s right for you. I know because that’s exactly what I did!

iStudent Blog

Get Out There and Network

istudent_handshake_0.pngPublished: February 5, 2018

Five networking strategies to help you make a name for yourself.

It’s never too early to start networking. The sooner you begin, the more prepared you’ll be to launch your job hunt when you graduate.

iStudent Blog

Claims of a Dying LIS Profession Debunked

istudent_leap_job.jpgPublished: January 15, 2018

Libraries and librarians are here to stay. Inside Higher Ed finds error in Bureau of Labor Statistics calculation.

How do people respond when asked if they think libraries are a dying industry? Unfortunately, a lot of people would probably agree. Those who are not familiar with what’s happening in the world of information or who haven’t set foot in a library in years think that the game is up.

iStudent Blog

Highlights From the Fall 2017 Director’s Forum

Published: October 16, 2017 

iSchool Director Dr. Sandra Hirsh recently hosted a virtual coffee chat with students. The virtual chat is a chance for students to hear news and updates about the iSchool, as well as ask questions and participate in an informal conversation with the director. If you missed it, pour yourself a cup of joe and read on for some of the highlights. You can also watch the full recording here

iStudent Blog

Library 2.017–The Future of Digital Literacy in Light of Fake Information

Published: June 27, 2017

The closing keynote speaker for June’s Library 2.017 mini-conference “Digital Literacy + Fake News” was futurist Bryan Alexander. Alexander’s recent books, Gearing Up for Learning Beyond K-12 and The New Digital Storytelling, focus on the ways in which technology transforms education. With that focus in mind, Alexander discussed what fake news is doing to digital literacy and the importance of teachers, librarians and all educators to foster critical thinking in their communities.

iStudent Blog

Looking for a Career in Public Libraries? The SJSU iSchool has the Inside Scoop with Career Webinars

Published: May 10, 2017

If you’re just about to graduate and are looking for a career in public libraries, then not only do we have a lot in common, but we are both interested in what it takes to make ourselves stand out as an exceptional job candidate. Earlier this spring, Jesse Walker-Lanz, the Adult and Digital Services Administrator for the County Library of Los Angeles gave a presentation entitled “How to Interview & Find Career Success in Public Libraries.”

iStudent Blog

Career Environments — the Wide World of Possibilities for Your Master’s Degree

Published: February 7, 2017

Have you been daydreaming of that perfect job, even while you’re trying to get into the groove of the SJSU iSchool’s new semester? I’m not that far from graduation, so I’ve not only been daydreaming, but polishing up resumes, posting applications and practicing for interviews. If you’re not quite sure where you’re going with this MLIS or MARA degree, or even if you’re in one of the SJSU School of Information’s certificate programs then pack your virtual bags and take a tour around the iSchool’s website.

iStudent Blog

Shaping Your Skillset to Fit the Career of Your Dreams

Published: January 11, 2017

On November 9, 2016, the SJSU School of Information offered a career webinar presentation by Sally Gore. During the presentation, entitled “Supply and Demand: Matching Your Skills to the Information Needs of Today”, Gore gave tips on how to inventory your skills and think about what exactly makes you qualified for a job as a librarian or information professional.