MARA Blog: General


MARA Blog: General


Interview with UN Chief of Archives and Records Management

Published: September 11, 2015 by Anna Maloney

The Huffington Post recently conducted a fascinating interview with Bridget Sisk, Chief of the United Nations Archives and Records Management Section. In the interview, Bridget discusses the management of the 60,000+ boxes of UN records. My favorite quote:

“I think people usually have this stereotypical view of archives as, sitting in a dusty old basement looking at paper all day, and actually that couldn’t be more further from the truth. We’re very much on the frontline.”


Building a Data Governance Team

Published: August 3, 2015 by Darren Ilett

A post at Enterprise Apps Today discusses how to build a data government team, including tips on understanding data needs, thoughts about how team change over time, and a description of various team structures. Read more at the original post.


NIRMA Conference

Published: June 22, 2015 by Darren Ilett

NIRMA’s Nuclear Information Management Conference is coming up, August 9-12, 2015, in Summerlin, NV.


Privacy, Confidentiality, and Failure

Published: April 16, 2015 by Darren Ilett

At the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) site, Angelique Carson comments on discussions about privacy and creativity that occurred at the Global Privacy Summit held earlier this spring.


Susan J. Sullivan Presents a Colloquium on Google and Records Management

Published: April 14, 2015 by Darren Ilett

Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from Susan J. Sullivan, CRM, who directed the National Archives and Records Administration’s Corporate Records Management Program in DC, earned the AIIM Distinguished Service Award for her contributions to the PDF/A Standard, led the Capstone email management implementation at NARA, and is currently the Electronic Content Management System Manager for Pitkin County in beautiful Aspen, Colorado.


RBMS Conference Scholarships

Published: March 19, 2015 by Darren Ilett

The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) offers scholarships to subsidize first-time conference attendance by students, professional librarians, and qualified paraprofessionals. The deadline is March 27, 2015.


The Ethics of Personal Information Management – Free ARMA Webinar

Published: February 11, 2015 by Dr. Pat Franks

On April 16, 2013, Norman Mooradian deliverd a MARA Guest Lecture on the topic of “Professional Ethics for Archives and Records Professionals.” You can use this link to the colloquia page.

This month, ARMA International is inviting members and non-members to view Norm’s new presentation, “The Ethics of Personal Information Management.” It’s free. All you need to do is register if you have not already. By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to: