MARA Blog: General
#SpotlightSeries: Internship Experience
From the perspective of MARA student, Samuel Henley
Published: October 1, 2019 by Kenna Wulker
Internships are an excellent way to enhance your resume and gain experience. Many programs, including SJSU’s Master of Archives and Records Administration (MARA), require an internship to graduate. Read through to learn more about one MARA student’s journey navigating multiple internships.
An Upgrade for the Wilcox Archives
Published: August 19, 2019 by Kenna Wulker
Thanks to a $300,000 grant, archives at the William Way Community Center in Philadelphia, PA are finally getting the treatment they deserve. In this collection are thousands of various items detailing the history of LGBTQ+ life.
Back to School
Tips for Online Classes
Published: August 12, 2019 by Kenna Wulker
The fall semester is quickly approaching. If you’re anything like me, it’s challenging to get back into the swing of school. Read on for my top tips to a successful semester! Don’t forget—classes start August 21st!
JSTOR Helps Expose History
How a New Database is Preserving History by Making Full Interviews Available for Viewing
Published: August 8, 2019 by Kenna Wulker
JSTOR, commonly used by the academic community, is a database storing academic papers and primary sources. They have recently introduced a new prototype database, Interview Archive, which posts full length, uncut interviews from some of the world’s most influential people.
Get to Know Your MARA Student Assistant
Published: July 19, 2019 by Kenna Wulker
Hi everyone! My name is McKenna Wulker; I usually go by Kenna, and I’m MARA’s current student assistant. Right now, I’m half way through my MARA program and intend to graduate in December of 2020. It’s coming up quick!
Fourth of July in the National Archives
Published: July 3, 2019 by Katie Kuryla
The National Archives celebrates the 242nd anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence with special events in Washington, DC, and at Presidential Libraries nationwide.
Archives Awareness: Learning Game Initiative Research Archive
Published: May 31, 2019 by Katie Kuryla
The Learning Games Initiative was designed around the concept of “preservation through use” and makes the constantly expanding collection of computer games, systems, peripherals, memorabilia, scholarship, and a plethora of other game-related materials accessible to researchers all over the world and of all ages.
End of Spring Semester
Published: May 24, 2019 by Katie Kuryla
Now that spring semester is over and summer is right around the corner, I’m here to let you know what you need to do to prepare for the end of the semester.
What Started Your Passion for Archives and Records?
Published: June 15, 2018 by Katie Kuryla
What started your passion for archives and records? I had just started my first semester and I went to see a movie one night and noticed a Doctor Who cartoon on one of the television screens in the lobby. I was a recent Doctor Who fan and I had figured that the cartoon was an episode from the newest season, somehow the Doctor went so far in the Tardis that he ended up in a cartoon world. Boy was I wrong!
End of Spring Semester
Published: May 23, 2018 by Katie Kuryla
As we wait for our grades, now that Spring semester is over and summer is right around the corner, I’m here to let you know what you need to do to prepare for the end of the semester. Congrats to the graduates but if you are here for another year, make sure you are saving documents to your ePortfolio. Take a few minutes to read over what you need to do now that it is the end of the semester:
Archives: Yosemite Archives
Published: October 6, 2017 by Katie Kuryla
October is Archives Month, and archival institutions throughout the U.S. are celebrating! This is the perfect chance to take the plunge if you’ve always wanted to go to an archive, but have hesitated to do so. Many institutions plan special events including open houses, exhibits, programs, and a variety of other activities. In this blog, I decided to take a closer look at Yosemite National Park Archives.
Random Thoughts: Droughtlander is Over!
Published: September 25, 2017 by Katie Kuryla
Are you an avid fan of the series Outlander, have you’ve been watching the new season on Starz channel since September 10th, or are you fan of the books? If you haven’t heard of Outlander, it follows the story of Claire Randall, a married combat nurse from 1945 who is mysteriously swept back in time to 1743, where she is immediately thrown into an unknown world in which her life is threatened.
MARA Partnership with the Institute of Certified Records Managers
Published: August 23, 2017 by Anna Maloney
Earlier this summer, the MARA program announced a partnership with the Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM) that would allow MARA graduates a fast track to either the Certified Records Analyst (CRA) or the Certified Records Manager (CRM) designation.
MARA Program Coordinator Dr. Patricia Franks Going on Sabbatical
Published: August 16, 2017 by Anna Maloney
MARA lecturer Dr. Lisa Daulby will be filling in as MARA Program Coordinator for Dr. Pat Franks while Dr. Franks takes a sabbatical during the fall semester. Dr. Franks is using the time to work on three exciting publishing projects: the International Directory of National Archives, the Encyclopedia of Archival Writers, and the second edition of her textbook Records & Information Management.
Around the Web: Department of Veterans Affairs Begins Digitization Project
Published: June 28, 2017 by Anna Maloney
For the past few years, it seems that every time I go to the doctor’s office, I’m asked to fill out a form consenting to the substitution of my paper medical record with an electronic one.
MARA Faculty to Attend SAA Conference
Published: May 30, 2017 by Anna Maloney
Going to the Society of American Archivists conference in Portland, Oregon? Catch up with iSchool faculty members and students during our events.
MARA Program Offering New Course in Digital Forensics
Published: May 24, 2017 by Anna Maloney
Digital Forensics for Archivists, a new one-unit course offered in the MARA program, introduces the unique properties of born-digital records and explores the role of digital forensics in archival record management.
Turning Passion into Preservation
Published: April 19, 2017 by Anna Maloney
For archivists, maintaining collections of artifacts and records is a career. For others, it’s a hobby that can have unexpected implications.
Current Predictions for Digital Preservation
Published: April 12, 2017 by Anna Maloney
Records and Information Management Month is a great opportunity for records managers and archivists alike to share the value of RIM and to garner excitement for the future. In a March 2017 opinion piece in Information Management, Jon Tilbury, Chief Technology Officer for Preservica, forecasted the following predictions regarding the future of digital preservation:
April is Records and Information Management Month
Published: April 5, 2017 by Anna Maloney
April is a month of many holidays. Today, April 5th, we celebrate National Caramel Day, National Deep Dish Pizza Day, National Go For Broke Day, National Raison and Spice Bar Day, National Read a Road Map Day, National Walking Day, and Childhelp National Day of Hope.