Grants Awarded by Other Agencies



Many associations and organizations offer grants to encourage LIS students’ attendance at conferences and to support student research. Read about these opportunities below. Application requirements and deadlines vary. Since many of these grants are given annually, those with deadlines that have passed are included here for your future planning.

See also a list of available scholarships.


American Association of Law Libraries (AALL)
Legal History and Rare Books Section Morris L. Cohen Award

Conference travel and stipend. Annual. Spring.

American Library Association (ALA) Emerging Leaders Program Sponsorships
Annual. July 31.

American Library Association (ALA) Freedom to Read Foundation (FTRF)
Gordon M. Conable Conference Scholarship

Conference travel. Annual. March.

American Library Association (ALA) Library History Round Table (LHRT)
Justin Winsor Prize

Essay award. Winter.

American Library Association (ALA) New Members Round Table (NMRT) 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant
Conference travel. December.

American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) Los Angeles Chapter (LACASIS) Margaret McKinley Memorial Student Scholarship Essay Competition
Annual. July 1.

Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Conference Travel Award
Conference travel awards. January.

Association of Architecture School Librarians (AASL)
Conference attendance.

Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS/NA) Gerd Muehsam Award
Conference travel award. November.

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL) Ilene F. Rockman Conference Scholarship
Conference travel. December 1.

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) Preconference Attendance Scholarships (several awards)
Conference attendance. March 30.

California Library Association (CLA) Access, Collections, and Technical Services Section (ACTSS) New Leader Award
Conference travel. June.

Chinese American Library Association (CALA) C. C. Seetoo Conference Travel Scholarship
Conference travel. Award year varies.

Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) Rovelstad Scholarship in International Librarianship
Conference travel. January.

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) LIS Student Writing Award
Conference Travel. Spring.

Library & Information Technology Association (LITA) / Ex Libris Student Writing Award
Annual. February 28.

Medical Library Association (MLA) Rittenhouse Award
Annual. Fall.

Medical Library Association (MLA) Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona Research Grant
Annual. September 15.

Middle East Librarians Association George Atiyeh Prize Competition
Conference travel. Fall.

Music Library Association (MLA) Freeman Travel Grant
Conference travel. July.

North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) Conference Student Grant
Conference travel. February.

Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) Miriam Braverman Award
Conference travel. Spring.

Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) Gale Cengage Student Travel Award
Annual. January 31.

Society of American Archivists (SAA) Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Award
Conference travel. February.

Society of California Archivists (SCA) Mink Scholarship
Conference travel. Check website for dates.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Business & Finance Division Awards
Annual. March 1.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Chemistry Division Marion E. Sparks Award for Professional Development
Annual. March.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Engineering Division Inspec Stipend Award
Annual. March.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Museums, Arts and Humanities Division (MAHD) William B. Neff Scholarship
Conference travel. Winter.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) News Division Vormelker-Thomas Student Award
Conference travel. Spring.

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Pharmaceutical and Health Technology Division Student Travel Award
Conference travel. Check website for dates.


MLGSCA Research Grant

Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona Research Grant

General Information:

Members of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA) are encouraged to apply for research-related funding for projects relating to health sciences librarianship.

Application Dates (as listed on the MLGSCA site): “The first call for proposals will go out in the July MLGSCA Newsletter with a due date of September 15th. If needed, a second call for proposals will go out in the January issue with a due date of March 15.”


Rittenhouse Award

Medical Library Association’s Rittenhouse Award

The Rittenhouse Award is presented annually by the Medical Library Association for the best unpublished paper or web-based project on health sciences librarianship or medical informatics submitted by a student in an ALA-accredited program of library and information studies or a trainee in an internship in health sciences librarianship or medical informatics.


LITA/Ex Libris Student Writing Award

The LITA/Ex Libris Student Writing Award is given for the best unpublished manuscript on a topic in the area of libraries and information technology written by a student or students enrolled in an ALA-accredited library and information studies graduate program.

Eligibility: At the time the article is submitted, the applicant(s) must be currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited program of library and information studies at the Masters or Ph.D. level.


IFLA LIS Student Writing Award

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions LIS Student Writing Award

IFLA (The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession.

The objectives of the LIS Student Writing Award are to:


Rovelstad Scholarship

Rovelstad Scholarship in International Librarianship

This scholarship, sponsored by the Council on Library and Information Resources, provides funding for a student interested in international library work to attend the annual conference of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).

For details, please visit the CLIR Fellowships and Awards webpage.


CLA-ACTSS New Leader Award

CLA Access, Collections, and Technical Services Section New Leader Award

Up to $500 is available for registration, travel, and lodging expenses to attend the CLA Annual Conference. The award is open to CLA ACTSS members with no more than five years of post-MLS experience, recent MLS graduates, or students currently enrolled in an MLS program. Candidates should be willing to serve in CLA ACTSS in some capacity.

Deadline: June 1.


ACRL-RBMS Conference Attendance Scholarships

Association Of College and Research Libraries Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Conference Attendance Scholarships

In partnership with the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) of ACRL is offering scholarships to subsidize first-time preconference attendance.


Ilene F. Rockman Conference Scholarship

California Academic and Research Libraries (CARL/ACRL) Ilene F. Rockman Conference Scholarship

The Ilene F. Rockman Scholarship, offered by the California Academic and Research Libraries division of the Association of College and Research Libraries, is available for MLIS students interested in academic librarianship careers. The scholarship covers expenses to attend the biennial CARL conference ($500) and ACRL conference ($1000), which take place on alternate years.


ARLIS/NA Gerd Muehsam Award

ARLIS/NA (Art Libraries Society of North America) Gerd Muehsam Award

The ARLIS Gerd Muehsam Award offers $500 for a student paper or project on a topic relevant to art librarianship. This award was established to honor the memory of Gerd Muehsam (1913-1979), distinguished scholar, teacher, and art bibliographer. An additional reimbursement of up to $300 is given to attend the ARLIS/NA conference in April. For more information, see the Gerd Muehsam Award website.


AASL Conference Award

AASL (Association of Architecture School Librarians) Conference Award

The conference award allows library school students interested in a career in architecture school librarianship to attend the organization’s annual conference. Funding consists of a stipend for travel expenses, conference registration fee, and one year’s annual AASL dues.

Award Amount:


ARLIS/NA Conference Travel Awards

ARLIS/NA Art Libraries Society of North America Conference Travel Awards

ARLIS offers awards to encourage students considering a career in art librarianship or visual resources curatorship to participate in the activities of ARLIS/NA. Various awards are available each year, each giving $1000 towards travel expenses to conferences.

For more information, please see the ARLIS/NA Awards & Honors web page.