Home Computing Environment


Technology Literacy Requirements

All students applying for admission to the School of Information must have the computer literacy skills described below. These skills will be assumed in all classes and will not be taught by the iSchool faculty or staff.

Have a working knowledge of the basic functions of a Windows or Mac operating system including the ability to:


Antivirus and Anti-Spyware Software

Antivirus Software

Students and faculty are responsible for installing and maintaining antivirus software on their home computers. It is a mandatory requirement for both students and faculty that they have antivirus software installed on their home computers, and that they keep their virus definitions up to date. 



All students are expected to have an email account at which they can reliably receive communications from their instructors. Students are responsible for any email communications that are missed due to Spam filtering or whitelisting services.

In cases where instructors are unable to reliably communicate with a student at a specific email address, the student may be asked to activate their SJSU Student Email account and use it for all class-related communications.


Microsoft Office

Microsoft has various editions that include the core products you will need (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint). These editions include: Home and Student, Home and Business, Standard, Professional, Professional Plus, and Professional Academic.

Some Office 365 subscription plans provide access to a desktop Office suite which includes the most current versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint. If you choose to use Office 365 as your primary resource, then please make sure that you obtain a subscription plan which includes access to the desktop applications.