Grants Awarded by Other Agencies


Pharmaceutical and Health Technology Division Student Travel Award

Special Libraries Association (SLA) Pharmaceutical and Health Technology Division Student Travel Award

The Pharmaceutical and Health Technology Division of SLA offers three travel awards of up to $1500 to attend the annual conference. This award is targeted toward students enrolled in accredited library science programs with an interest in practicing as information professionals in the Pharmaceutical or Health Technology Industries.


Vormelker-Thomas Student Award

Since 1977 the News Division of the Special Libraries Association has offered a Student Stipend Award to a graduate student interested in a career in newspaper librarianship. The award, honoring the memory and division work of Rose Vormelker and Lou Thomas, consists of $500 from the News Division and $1000 from ProQuest.

For more information, please visit the News Division website and look in the About the News Division menu for information on the awards.


William B. Neff Scholarship

This award is offered by the Museums, Arts, and Humanities Division (MAHD) of the Special Libraries Association. It consists of a stipend of up to $1,500 toward the expense of attendance at the annual conference.

For more information, including application deadline dates, please visit the MAHD webpage and click on the Awards link.


INSPEC Stipend Award

SLA Engineering Division INSPEC Stipend Award

INSPEC sponsors the award of a $1,200.00 travel stipend for library school students toward payment of expenses incurred while attending the annual Special Libraries Association conference.

Applicants must be student members of the Special Libraries Association and be attending their first conference. Submission of a brief essay is required. The deadline is usually in March.


Marion E. Sparks Award

Marion E. Sparks Award for Professional Development

The Chemistry Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) sponsors a student/new member travel award to defray the costs of attending the SLA annual meeting. The award is intended to encourage the professional development of student members and new members of the Chemistry Division and encourage their participation in Chemistry Division activities.


SLA Professional Grants

SLA Professional Grants and Student Stipends

The Business & Finance Division of the Special Libraries Association (SLA) offers professional grants and student stipends to defray the costs of attending the SLA annual meeting.

There are up to six awards of $1,500 to attend the SLA Annual Conference.

Deadline: March 1

For more information, please visit the Business & Finance Division Awards web page.


Mink Scholarship

Mink Scholarship for the Annual Society of California Archivists General Meeting

Offered by the Society of California Archivists, this scholarship honors James V. Mink, long-time archivist at UCLA and the society’s first president. The $500 award pays the recipient’s attendance at the society’s annual meeting and pre-conference workshop. LIS students who are members of SCA and committed to a career in archival administration are encouraged to apply.

For more information, please visit the SCA Scholarships webpage.


Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Award

Society of American Archivists (SAA): Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Award

Established in 2005, this award supports students and recent graduates from graduate archival programs within North America to attend SAA’s Annual Meeting. The goal of the scholarship is to stimulate greater participation in the activities of the Association by students and recent graduates. This participation must include either a presentation of research during the Annual Meeting or active participation in an SAA-sponsored committee, section, or roundtable.


Gale Cengage Learning Student Travel Award

BRASS (Business Reference and Services Section) Gale Cengage Learning Student Travel Award

A $1,000 cash award given to a student enrolled in an ALA accredited master’s degree program to attend the ALA Annual Conference and a one-year membership in the Business Reference and Services Section (BRASS) of RUSA. The applicant should have demonstrated interest in a career as a business reference librarian.

Applications are due to the Chair by January 31 or the due date as specified of other ALA awards that year.


Miriam Braverman Award

The Miriam Braverman Award of the Progressive Librarians Guild (PLG) is intended to foster an awareness of the social responsibility aspects of librarianship and encourage professional involvement by students. The Braverman Award is given annually for the best student essay on some aspect of the social responsibilities of librarians, libraries, or librarianship.


NASIG Conference Student Grant

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) offers grants to attend its annual conference each year. The purpose of these awards is to encourage students to pursue some aspect of serials work after they graduate.

The award includes transportation to the annual conference, conference registration, and a stipend for meals.

For more information, please visit the NASIG Awards webpage.


Freeman Travel Grant

The Kevin Freeman Travel Grant is intended to support travel and hotel expenses to attend the Music Library Association annual meeting. The grant, established in 1994 to honor the memory of Kevin Freeman and awarded for the first time in 1997, supports attendance at the Music Library Association’s annual meeting by music librarians new to the field.