Scholarships Awarded by Other Agencies


AALL Education Scholarships

The American Association of Law Libraries offers scholarships to library school students with or without JD degrees, as well as to students seeking dual JD and MLIS degrees.

Students should either have a JD or meaningful law library experience, and be working toward a career as a law librarian. Preference is given to AALL members, but scholarships are not restricted to members. Evidence of financial need must be submitted.


ACS CINF Lucille M. Wert Scholarship

Designed to help persons with an interest in the fields of Chemistry and Information to pursue graduate study in LIS or computer sciences, the American Chemical Society Division of Chemical Information (CINF) Lucille M. Wert Scholarship is worth $1500.

The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree with a major in Chemistry and related disciplines. The applicant must have been accepted (or currently enrolled) into a graduate Library, Information, or Computer Science program in an accredited institution. Work experience in Library, Information or Computer Science preferred.


ALA Scholarship Program

The American Library Association (ALA) offers extensive scholarship opportunities for MLIS students. Awards are based on academic excellence, leadership potential, and evidence of a commitment to a career in librarianship. To get an idea of what is available, refer to the ALA’s list of available scholarships. Additionally, some ALA divisions offer their own programs.


Beta Phi Mu Scholarships

Beta Phi Mu, an organization to recognize and encourage scholastic achievement among library and information studies students, offers the following scholarships and fellowships annually to students of library and information science:


CLA Begun Scholarship

The California Library Association Begun Scholarship, named in memory of former librarian Betty Begun, supports continuing library school students who have demonstrated a commitment to becoming children’s or young adult librarians in a California public library.

One scholarship of $3000 will be awarded annually.

For more information, please visit the Begun Scholarship webpage.


CLA Scholarship for Minority Students

The California Library Association offers three scholarships for minority students each year. These awards of $2,500 are provided to encourage ethnic minority students in pursuing their graduate education at an ALA accredited library or information science program in California.

For more information, please visit the Edna Yelland Scholarship webpage.


CNI Paul Evan Peters Fellowship

The Paul Evan Peters Fellowship was established to honor and perpetuate the memory of Paul Evan Peters (1947-1996), founding executive director of the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI). The fellowship will assist students pursuing graduate studies in the information sciences, librarianship, or closely related field, that advance the frontiers of digital information and technology. Nominees should demonstrate intellectual and personal qualities consistent with those of Paul Evan Peters.


CSU Glenn and Dorothy Dumke Fellowship

One fellowship is awarded each year to a graduate student attending a CSU campus and pursuing a research project using the CSU archives in the area of public policy, American history, economics, archival management or government. This fellowship was established in honor of the late Chancellor Emeritus Glenn S. Dumke and his wife Dorothy. Dr. Dumke was chancellor of the California State University from 1962 to 1982. The fellowship amount is $1,300.


MLA Scholarship

A scholarship of up to $5,000 is awarded annually by the Medical Library Association (MLA) to a student who shows excellence in scholarship and potential for accomplishment in health sciences librarianship. The scholarship is announced at the annual meeting of the association, where the recipient will also receive a one-year student membership in MLA and free inclusive student registration at the association’s annual meeting.


NASIG Scholarships

Established in 1985, the North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) is an independent organization working to advance and transform the management of information resources. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate and improve the distribution, acquisition, and long-term accessibility of information resources in all formats and business models. NASIG invites qualified applicants to apply for the following awards.


PTPL Scholarships

Potomac Technical Processing Librarians (PTPL) is a professional organization for technical services librarians in Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia. It offers two $1,000 scholarships for future librarians interested in technical services. Students living or working in the PTPL membership region (DC, Maryland, Virginia) and who are currently enrolled in an ALA-accredited Library and/or Information Science program, including distance education programs, are invited to apply.