Adding Users


Allowing Others To Add Records To Your Database

WebDataPro Discontinued in iSchool Courses
WebDataPro has been discontinued as a software tool in iSchool courses, effective June 2022. The tutorials are being maintained here for benefit of INFO 289 e-Portfolio students who may wish to use materials created using WebDataPro as evidence.

Granting Access to your Search/Query Page: When others attempt to access your search/query page, they will be prompted to enter a username and password. To allow others to access your search/query page, you have to create a user account for them using the Manage Members tool. Instructions are provided below.

Allowing Others to Add Records to your Database: As part of the peer evaluation process in LIBR 202, you may need to allow a classmate or group to add records to your database. This can also be accomplished by creating a user account for the other person or group using Manage Members, and granting them the “Add Records” privilege. Instructions are provided below.

Adding User Accounts for Others and Granting Privileges

1. From the main administration page, click on the navigation button labeled “Manage Members“.

Manage Members Page

2. This will take you to the Webdata Members screen. Click on the button labeled “>Add New Member”.

Manage Members Page

3. This will take you to the Member Data Page screen, where you will enter the information for the new user.

New Member part 1

4. On the Member Data Page, enter the following minimum information for the new user:

  • E-mail
  • Password (make a note of the password that you assign, as you will need to provide that information to the user)
  • First Name
  • Last Name

Important: Be sure to record the password information, as you will need to provide that to the user.

5. Next, scroll down to the Layouts section. Under Layouts, select which Layouts the user will have access to. (For instance, if you created a new layout named “Coin Collection”, select that layout on the right-hand side). When you click on the layout, it will become highlighted, indicating that it has been selected.

New Member part 2

6. Next, scroll down to the bottom of the page. You’ll see a section where you can grant specific management privileges to that user (e.g. Add Records, Modify Records, Delete Records, etc).

New Member part 3

PLEASE TAKE EXTREME CAUTION when granting these privileges, as you are allowing the other user to update your database records. YOU SHOULD ONLY GRANT THESE PRIVILEGES IN VERY SPECIFIC SITUATIONS. If you have any questions regarding these privileges, please submit your question using the Tech Support form.

QUERY/SEARCH ACCESS: If you are ONLY granting the other user the ability to query your database, then you DO NOT need to select any of these additional privileges. When you create a user account, the new user will have access to the search layout(s) that you specified above.

RECORD UPDATE ACCESS: If you also need to give the user the ability to add records to your database, then you would place a checkmark under “Add Records“, and possibly also “Import Records” (if you wanted to give them the ability to batch import records). These additional privileges are only needed in cases where you are required to grant the other user the ability to add, delete, or modify records in your database. An example might be a situation where you need to grant another classmate or group the ability to add records to your database as part of a peer-evaluation process.

After choosing the additional privileges you wish to grant to the user (if any), click on the Save Member Data button to save the settings.

Providing Access Information to the Other User or Group


Provide the other user or group with the URL for your Query/Search page, and also provide them with the password for the user account that you created for them. When the other user attempts to access your Query/Search page, they will be prompted for a username and password:

New Member part 3

For the username, they need to enter the email address you entered for them in the user account . For the password, they need to enter the password that you provided to them. After they enter their email address and password, they will be taken to your Query/Search page, where they can proceed with querying your database.


Provide the other user or group with the URL for your WebData Pro login page. (This URL was provided to you in the email that you originally received when you created your WebData Pro instance). Also, provide them with the password for the user account that you created for them in the previous steps.

When they attempt to access your WebData Pro login page, they will be prompted to enter a username and password. At this point, they should enter their email address as the username, and enter the password that you provided to them:

New Member part 3

After they do so, they will be taken to your WebData Pro login page, where they should once again enter their email address and the password that you provided to them:

New Member part 3

After they log into WebData Pro, they will be taken to a screen which includes options to “>SEARCH the database” or “MANAGE data“:

New Member part 3

To update records, the user can click on the appropriate table under “>MANAGE data”. This will present them with a “Data Entry” screen which they can use to manage database records (depending on the specific privileges that were granted to them).
