MARA Program Learning Outcomes
Program Learning Outcomes — MARA
Statement of Core Competencies
A set of MARA Program Learning Outcomes—a core of knowledge, skills and abilities—are integrated into required courses that provide the foundation for the curriculum that prepares graduates for success in the fields of both archives and records and information management.
One or more Program Learning Outcomes are explicitly integrated into every required MARA course, and every syllabus lists the Program Learning Outcomes addressed in the course.
Students demonstrate mastery of all MARA Program Learning Outcomes before graduation by completing an e-Portfolio culminating experience. The e-Portfolio provides a program-based assessment as each student demonstrates mastery of all Program Learning Outcomes through reflective essays supported by a wide array of artifacts, evidence, exhibits, assignments, and experiences produced throughout their program.
See competencies (Program Learning Outcomes) mapped to classes and to University Learning Goals.
Upon completion of the MARA program, students will be able to:
A. Articulate the ethics and values of archivists, records managers, and/or information professionals and discuss their role in social memory and organizational accountability;
B. Explain the social, cultural, and economic dimensions of data, records, and information use;
C. Describe the evolution of systems that manage data, information, communication, and records in response to technological change;
D. Apply basic concepts and principles to identify, evaluate, select, organize, maintain, and provide access to physical and digital information assets ;
E. Identify the standards and principles endorsed and utilized by data, archives, records, and information professionals;
F. Apply fundamental management theories and principles to the administration of data, archives, information, or records programs.
G. Describe the legal requirements and ethical principles involved in managing physical and digital information assets and the information professional’s role in institutional compliance and risk management;
H. Describe current information technologies and best practices relating to the preservation, integrity, and security of data, records, and information;
I. Demonstrate an understanding of research design and research methods and the analytical, written, and oral communication skills necessary to synthesize and disseminate research findings;
J. Describe global perspectives on effective information practices that are supportive of cultural, economic or social well-being.