MLIS Your Career

iStudent Blog

Unexpected Benefits Of An MLIS Degree

Published: August 13, 2018 by Priscilla Ameneyro

From backyard projects to beefing up your resume, we’re going to talk about the less conventional benefits of your future degree. I hope this blog post gives you the confidence to transfer the skills you develop in school to your next job application or venture into uncharted territory. At the very least, this article should make you proud of your personal development every day you work towards your MLIS or MARA degree.

iStudent Blog

Shaping Your Skillset to Fit the Career of Your Dreams

Published: January 11, 2017

On November 9, 2016, the SJSU School of Information offered a career webinar presentation by Sally Gore. During the presentation, entitled “Supply and Demand: Matching Your Skills to the Information Needs of Today”, Gore gave tips on how to inventory your skills and think about what exactly makes you qualified for a job as a librarian or information professional.