Publications of PhD Students and Alumni
Publications of Gateway PhD Students and Alumni
Journal Articles
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2023). Academic library marketing in the post-COVID world. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(4),
Penrose, R. B. (2023). Anticipating potential barriers for students with visual impairments when using a web-based instructional platform. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, OnlineFirst, 1-10.
Penrose, R. B. (2023). Normalizing disability using children’s literature. Communication Teacher, 37(3), 171-177.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2022). The Evolution of Library and Information Science Education Promotion: A Comparative Analysis of LIS Program Websites between 1999 and 2019. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 63(4), 404-419, DOI: 10.3138/jelis-2021-0028.
Barragan, S.P. (2022), “Applying bounded rationality to information disposition: development of a risk/reward heuristic”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 170-181.
Barragan, S. (2021), “Infonomics and the environment”, Records Management Journal, Vol. 31 No. 3, pp. 303-313.
Penrose, R. B. (2022). Increasing student self-efficacy: A case for assigning oral communication activities before written assignments. College Teaching, 1-8.
Abrams, S. Tacit attitudinal principles for evaluating digital preservation success. Archival Science. OnlineFirst:
Barragan, S. Infonomics and the environment. Records Management Journal. Online ahead-of-print:
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2021). Embracing the Non-Traditional: Incorporating Non-Traditional Elements into Library Identity. Urban Library Journal, 27 (1).
Barragan, S.P. (2020). The supercycle and the end of the big accounting firm era? Arthur Andersen as a case in point. The Socionomist, October 2020, 10-14.
Conrad, L.Y., Bruce, C.S., & Tucker, V.M. (2020). Constructing information experience: A grounded theory portrait of academic information management. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 72(4), 653-670.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2020). Academic Library COVID-19 Subject Guides. The Reference Librarian, 61(3-4), 165-184. DOI: 10.1080/02763877.2020.1862021
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2020). The marketing mix in parliamentary library websites. Journal of Library Administration, 60(8), 875-888. DOI: 10.1080/01930826.2020.1820279
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2020), Library orientation practices in special libraries, Reference Services Review, 48(4), 524-536.
Kaufmann, K.F., & Miller, C. (2020). Seamless virtual service: An academic library response to COVID-19. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, 9, 67-93.
Abrams, S. (2019, January). Theorizing success: A communicological approach for evaluating digital preservation efficacy. Bulletin of the IEEE Technical Committee on Digital Libraries, 15(1).
Conrad, L. Y. & Tucker, V. M. (2019). Making it tangible: Hybrid card sorting within qualitative interviews. Journal of Documentation, 75.
Fraser-Arnott, M.A. (2019). Evolving practices and professional identity: How the new ways we work can reshape us as professionals and a profession. IFLA Journal, 45(2), 114-126.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2019). The compatibility between grounded theory and library practitioner research problems. Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, [S.l.], 6(1), 23-34
Smart, C.-A. (2019). African oral tradition, cultural retentions and the transmission of knowledge in the West Indies. IFLA Journal.
Barragan, Salvador P. (2018, December). Document management 3.0: Big Data, IoT and infonomics. CIO Review, 7(116), 30-31.
Hands, A.S. (2018). Examining the basic psychological needs of library and information science doctoral students. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 13, 389-411.
Hands, A.S. (2018). What doctoral student motivation tells us about the future of LIS education. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 59(3), 17-25.
Kaufmann K. F. (2018) The ‘real world’ relevance of information iteracy. In: Kurbanoğlu S., Boustany J., Špiranec S., Grassian E., Mizrachi D., Roy L. (eds.) Information Literacy in the Workplace. ECIL 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 810.
Kaufmann, K. F., Perez, G., Bryant, M. (2018). Reaching shared goals in higher education: A collaboration of the library and disability support services. Library Leadership & Management. 32(2).
Moffett, P., & Weare, W. H., Jr. (2018). Service philosophy statements in academic libraries: A qualitative content analysis. Public Services Quarterly, 14(2), 119-134.
Tucker, V. M. (2018). Threshold concepts and information experience in information literacy professional education: Curriculum design for online learning. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 810, 749-758.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2017). Personalizing professionalism: The professional identity experiences of LIS graduates in non-library roles. Journal of Librarianship & Information Science. Forthcoming.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2017). Competencies for information specialists in emerging roles. Library Management, 38 (1/2).
Hands, A. S. (2017, May). Doctoral student motivation: An examination using self-determination theory. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, Boston, MA.
Inzerilla, T. (2017). Teaching faculty collaborating with academic librarians: Developing partnerships to embed information literacy. In S. Ingvaldsen & D. Oberg (Eds.), Chandon Information Professional: Media and information literacy in higher education: Educating the educators (pp. 67-88). Boston, MA: Elsevier.
Karadjova, K.G. (In-Press). Librarians’ understanding of Information Literacy in academic libraries in Bulgaria: A Case study, In S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.) Information Literacy in the Workplace. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 677. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Knight, J. A. (2017). Academic librarians as change champions: a framework for managing change. Library Management, 38(6/7), 294-301.
McLaughlin, J. & Tucker, V.M. (2017). Citation indexing and threshold concepts: An essential ah-ha in student learning. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 58(4), 236-240.
Morrison, K. L. (2017). Informed Asset-Based Pedagogy: Coming Correct, Counter-stories from an Information Literacy Classroom. Library Trends, 66(2), 176-218.
Mourer, M. M & Karadjova, K.G. (In-Press). Dare to Share the Silence: Tools & Practices of Contemplative Pedagogy in a Library Brain Booth, In S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.) Information Literacy in the Workplace. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 677. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Smart, Cherry-Ann. (2017). International Student Stakeholders of the Academic Library. International Information & Library Review (IILR), 50(1), 1-11.
Smart, Cherry-Ann. (2017). Preserving Cultural Products: Libraries, Context, Technology in the English-speaking Caribbean. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 43(4), 1–13. doi: 10.1177/0340035217732074
Tucker, V. M. (2017). Threshold concepts and core competences in the library and information science (LIS) domain: Methodologies for discovery. Library and Information Research, 41(125), 61-80.
Bernier, A., & Stenstrom, C. (2016). Moving from chance and “chemistry” to skills: Improving online student learning outcomes in small group collaboration. Education for Information 32(1). [special innovative pedagogies issue], 55-69.
Buchanan, S. (2016). Exploring the lived experience of middle school students engaged in inquiry based learning. In S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.) Information Literacy: Key to an Inclusive Society and the volume # CCIS 676. Paper presented at Fourth Annual European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL): Information Literacy in the Inclusive Society (Prague, 11 October 2016). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Buchanan, S., Harlan, M. A., Bruce, C., & Edwards, S. (2016). Inquiry based learning models, information literacy, and student engagement: A literature review. School Libraries Worldwide, 22(2), 23.
Conrad, L. Y. (2016). Headlines from the discovery files: Key publications on scholarly content discoverability. Learned Publishing (issue and volume forthcoming). DOI: 10.1002/leap.1080
Fraser-Arnott, M. (forthcoming). The value of the MLS or MLIS degree: Transferable skills identified by LIS graduates in non-library roles. The Bottom Line (special issue on ‘The Value Added or Added Value of the LIS Master’s Degree’).
Harlan, Mary Ann. (2016). Information experiences: ‘Information as’ for students. Interchange, 44(2), 8-12.
Harlan, M. (2016). Connected information: Connected learning and information practices. School Libraries Worldwide, 22(1), 110-125.
Haycock, K. & Stenstrom, C. (2016). Reviewing the research and evidence: Towards best practices for garnering support for school libraries. School Libraries Worldwide, 22(1), 127-142.
Karadjova, K. & Mourer, M.M. (2016). Searching as strategic exploration: How well do faculty know their students’ opinions regarding information sources?. In S. Kurbanoglu et al. (Eds.) Information Literacy: Key to an Inclusive Society and the volume # CCIS 676. Paper presented at Fourth Annual European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL): Information Literacy in the Inclusive Society (Prague, 11 October 2016). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
Smart, C. (2016). The public library’s role in enabling e-government: A view of two countries in the English-speaking Caribbean. The International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, 3(3), 18-32. doi: 10.4018/IJAPADA.2016070102.
Smeaton, K.; Maybee, C.; Bruce, C.S.; & Hughes, H.E. (2016). Crossing literacy and informed learning boundaries with Manga. Access, 30 (1), 12-26.
Tucker, V. M. (2016). Learning experiences and the liminality of expertise. In R. Land, H.F. Meyer, & M.T. Flanagan (Eds.), Threshold Concepts in Practice, (pp. 93-106). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Tucker, V. M., Bruce, C., & Edwards, S.L. (2016). Using grounded theory to discover threshold concepts in transformative learning experiences. Theory and Method in Higher Education, 2, 23 46.
Wakimoto, D. (2016). Library graphic design best practices and approval processes. New Library World, 117(1/2), 63-73. doi: 10.1108/NLW-07-2015-0049
Weare, W. H., Jr., Moffett, P., & Cooper, J. P. (2016). Preparing for renovation: Estimating shelf occupancy to inform decision making regarding the redevelopment of library space. Collection Management, 41(3), 168-181.
Conrad, L. Y., Leonard, E. & Somerville, M. M. (2015, March). New pathways in scholarly discovery: Understanding the next generation of researcher tools. In Proceedings from Association of College and Research Libraries 2015 Conference (p. 566-575): Portland, OR.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2015). Librarians outside of libraries: The experiences of library and information science (LIS) graduates working outside of libraries. LIBRI 65(4), 301.
Harlan, M. (2015). Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Built on Information Literacy. Papers of the Treasure Mountain Research Retreat #22, 34-46.
Hirsh, S., Simmons, M.H., Christensen, P., Sellar, M., Stenström, C., Hagar, C., Bernier, A., Faires, D., Fisher, J., Alman, S. (2015). International perspectives in LIS education: Global education, research, and collaboration at the SJSU School of Information. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science, 56 (Supplement 1), S27-46.
Gundlach, E., Maybee, C., & O’Shea, K. (2015). Statistical literacy social media project for the masses. The Journal of Faculty Development (Special issue: Social media in pedagogy and practice: Networked teaching and learning), 29(2), 71-80.
Maybee, C., Carlson, J., Slebodnik, M., Chapman, B. (2015). “It’s in the syllabus”: Identifying information literacy and data information literacy opportunities using a grounded theory approach. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41 (4), 369-376.
Stenstrom, C. (2015). Decision-making experiences of public library CEOs: A study exploring the roles of interpersonal influence and evidence in everyday practice. Library Management, 36(8/9), 644-651.
Stenstrom, C., Haycock, K. (2015). The role of interpersonal influence in budget decision making: The Canadian public library experience. Administration & Society 47(8), 983-1014.
Tucker, V. M. (2015). Professional searchers today: Leadership roles in design and information experience. Library 2.015 Worldwide Conference, October 20, 2015.
Wakimoto, D. (2015). Librarians and graphic design: Preparation, roles, and desired support. Public Services Quarterly. 11(3), 171-182. doi: 10.1080/15228959.2015.105454
Wakimoto, D. & Bruce, C. (2015). Experiencing archives at universities: Archivists, librarians, and collaboration. Reference Services Review, 43(2), 182-198.
Wakimoto, D. & Bruce, C. (2015). Academic librarians’ varying experiences of archives: A phenomenographic study. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 40, 452-459. doi:
Yu, Y., Zou, H., Tang, W., Liu, L., & Teng, F. (2015). FlexTuner: A flexible container-based tuning system for cloud applications. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering, 145-154. doi:10.1109/IC2E.2015.24
Zou, H., Chen, H., & Dey, S. (2015). Understanding library user engagement strategies through large-scale Twitter analysis. 2015 IEEE First International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, 361-370. doi:10.1109/BigDataService.2015.31
Zou, H., Chen, H., & Dey, S. (2015). A quantitative analysis of Pinterest: Understanding library user engagement strategies for effective social media use. Journal of Information Technology Management, 26(3), 21-32.
Zou, H., Chen, H., & Dey, S. (2015). Exploring user engagement strategies and their impacts with social media mining: The case of public libraries. Accepted and forthcoming in Journal of Management Analytics.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2014). Moving from librarian to knowledge manager. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library and Information Practice and Research, 9(2). Retrieved from
Haas, L., Cefkin, M., Kieliszewski, C., Plouffe, W., & Roth, M. Also Kandogan, E., Schwarz, P., Hui, J., Cypher, A., Terrizano, I., Bencala, M., Anderson, L., Vaughan, J., Selinger, P., Moore, R., Anya, O., Maglio, P., Pease, D., Janiak, J., Colino, J., Weber, G., Schmidt, M-T. (2014). The IBM Research Accelerated Discovery Lab. ACM SIGMOD Record, 43(2), 41–48.
Harlan, M. A., Bruce, C., & Lupton, M. (2014). Creating and sharing: teens’ information practices in digital communities. Information Research 19(1).
Stenstrom, C. & Haycock, K. (2014). Influence and increased funding in Canadian public libraries. Library Quarterly 84(1), 49-68.
Stenstrom, C., Roberts, K. and & Haycock, K. (2014). The role of influence in city and public library partnerships: An exploratory study. Library Management 35(3), 213-223.
Tucker, V. M. (2014). Learning experiences in the novice-expert liminal space. Fifth Biennial International Threshold Concepts Conference, July 2014, Durham, England.
Tucker, V. M., Weedman, J., Bruce, C.S., & Edwards, S.L. (2014). Learning portals: Analyzing threshold concept theory for LIS education. Journal of Education for Library & Information Science, 55(2), 150-165.
Wakimoto, D.K. (2014). Model correlates many factors to undergraduates’ perceived importance of library and research activities, but low explanation power suggests more research needed (Evidence summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(2).
Wakimoto, D. K. & Lewis, R. (2014). Graduate student perceptions of eportfolios: Uses for reflection, development, and assessment. Internet & Higher Education, 21, 53-58.
Zou, H.., Yu, Y., Tang, W., & Chen, H. (2014). FlexAnalytics: A flexible data analytics framework for Big Data applications with I/O performance improvement. Big Data Research, 1(1), 4-13. doi:10.1016/j.bdr.2014.07.001
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2013). Library and information science (LIS) transferable competencies. Partnership: The Canadian Journal of Library & Information Practice & Research, 8(2). Retrieved from
Maybee, C., Bruce, C. S., Lupton, M. & Rebmann, K. (2013). Learning to use information: Informed learning in the undergraduate classroom. Library and Information Science Research, 35(3), 200-206.
Maybee, C., Doan, T. & Riehle, C. F. (2013). Making an IMPACT: Campus-wide collaboration for course and learning space transformation. College and Research Libraries News, 74, 32-35.
Smart, C. (2015). Born fi dead? Special collections and born digital heritage, Jamaica. IFLA Journal, 41(3), 230-236.
Smart, C. (2013 March). Developing hybrid models for library
customer service standards. Journal of Creative Library
Practice [electronic journal]. Retrieved from
Wakimoto, D. K., Hansen, D., & Bruce, C. (2013). The case of LLACE: Challenges, triumphs, and lessons of a community archives. The American Archivist, 76(2).
Wakimoto, D. K. (2013). Google Scholar retrieves twice as many relevant citations as PubMed and provides greater full-text access for quick, clinical nephrology searches (Evidence summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 8(4).
Wakimoto, D. K., Bruce, C., & Partridge, H. (2013). Archivist as activist: Lessons from three queer community archives in California. Archival Science 13, 293-316.
Harlan, M. A., Bruce, C., & Lupton, M. (2011). Teen content creators: Experiences of using information to learn. Library Trends, 60(2).
Romaniuk, M. J., & Haycock, K. (2011). Designing and evaluating library leadership programs, The Australian Library Journal, 60(1), 29-40.
Wakimoto, D. K. (2011). Decline in reference transactions with few questions referred to librarian when the reference desk is staffed by a paraprofessional (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 6(1).
Wakimoto, D. & Soules, A. (2011). Evaluating Accessibility Features of Tutorial Creation Software. Library Hi Tech, 29(1), 122-136.
Wakimoto, D. K. (2010). Lack of congruence between analyses and conclusions limits usefulness of study of socio-cultural influences on student choice of LIS field in Greece (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 5(3).
Wakimoto, D. K. (2010). Information Literacy Instruction Assessment and Improvement through Evidence-Based Practice: A Mixed Method Study. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 5(1).
Wakimoto, D. K. (2010). Benefits of unionization still unclear for U.S. academic libraries and librarians (Evidence Summary). Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 5(1).
Naghshineh, M., Ratnaparkhi, R., Dillenberger, D., Doran, J. R., Dorai, C., Anderson, L., Pacifici, G., et al. (2009). IBM Research Division cloud computing initiative. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 53(4), 1:1 –1:10. doi:10.1147/JRD.2009.5429055
Conference Presentations
Cardenas-Dow, M. (2025, April 4). Building structures on shifting sands: Libraries bolstering ethnic studies programs in the California State University system after AB 1460 [poster presentation]. ACRL, Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Penrose, Rebecca (2024, October 14-17.) Panel Session Title: “The AI-Empowered Researcher: Using AI-Based Tools for Success in Ph.D. Programs” Presentation Title: “Potential Benefits of AI Translation Tools in International Projects” ALISE 2024 Annual Conference, Doctoral Students SIG Session, Portland, Oregon
Medina-Smith, Andrea. (2024, June 5-6) “Bibliometrics and Research Impact Community” BRIC 2024
Penrose, Rebecca (2024, May 20-24.) ”A Showcase of Instructional Artificial Intelligence (AI) Resources and Applications” Research Presentation. Erasmus+ Staff Training Conference, University of Applied Sciences, Nysa, Poland
McCracken, Krista. (2024, May 8.) “Navigating Access to Residential School Records for Truth, Reconciliation.” Presenter with Skylee-Storm Hogan-Stacey. Archives Association of Ontario, Virtual Conference.
Penrose, Rebecca (2024, April 22-26). “Exploring the Benefits of Instructor-Librarian Collaboration in Teaching Critical Information Literacy” Research Presentation and Poster. Jilin University, Changchun, China.
McCracken, Krista. (2024, April 12.) “What did #publichistory do?” Panelist. National Council on Public History, Salt Lake City, Utah.
McCracken, Krista. (2024, March 21.) “Moving Toward Decolonial Archival Futures.” Facilitator with Skylee-Storm Hogan-Stacey. Workshop at Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Ontario.
Medina-Smith, Andrea. (2024, March 21-22). ”Understanding Your Place in the Research Data Ecosystem” NIST Research Data Framework and Open Science Integration (Presentation)
Medina-Smith, Andrea. (2024, March 11-14). Research Data Access and Preservation (RDAP) Summit 2024 - Charting New Frontiers: Mastering Data Management with NIST’s RDaF Toolkit (Workshop) & Implementing the NIST Research Data Framework (RDaF) at the State University of New York (SUNY) (Panel)
Beaufils, J., Bennett, J., Fraser-Arnott, M., & Lamb, L. (2023, June 20). Canada’s Library of Parliament: Supporting an Informed Parliament. [Webinar]. SLA Canada.
Fraser-Arnott, M., & Hasan, N. (2022, July 30). Marketing During COVID and Beyond [Conference presentation]. SLA 2022 Annual Conference Source Forward, Charlotte, NC, United States.
Kinlaw, J., & Fraser-Arnott, M. (2022, August 1). 10 Project Management Must-Haves [Conference presentation]. SLA 2022 Annual Conference Source Forward, Charlotte, NC, United States.
Dandu, A., Folk, A., Fraser-Arnott, M., Watson, K. Wood, D. (2022, April 7). Game Changer: Transformational Planning Perspectives. [Webinar]. San José State University (SJSU) iSchool.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2021). Embracing the Non-Traditional: Incorporating Non-Traditional Elements into Library Identity. [Conference Session]. LACUNY Institute 2021. Online.
Dandu, A., Folk, A., Fraser-Arnott, M., Watson, K. & Wood, D. (2021, March 15). Crisis Planning: A Conversation with an Expert Panel. [Webinar]. San José State University (SJSU) iSchool.
Fraser-Arnott, M., Clement, K. & Bennett, J. (2020, December 15). Parliamentary Information Bootcamp. [Conference Session]. Government Information Day, Online.
Fraser-Arnott, M. & Martyn, M. (2020). Building a Competency-Based New Employee Development Program. [Poster]. The Exchange 2020, Online.
Folk, A., Fraser-Arnott, M., Watson, K., Wood, D. & Nino, M. (2020, April 27). Library Issues and Trends: Before, During and After COVID-19. [Webcast]. San Jose State University (SJSU) iSchool.
Hands, A.S. & Tucker, V.M. (2020). The 7-Slide Update: A pedagogical tool for enriching scholarly communication. Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) Conference, October 20-23, 2020, Pittsburgh, PA [held virtually].
Abrams, S. (2019, October 16-17). How’m I doin’?: Evaluating digital preservation efficacy. Presentation at the NDSA Digital Preservation Conference, Tampa.
Butler, W. (2019, February). Overview of research on the impact of OER and collecting program data. Presentation at the CSU & CCC 2019 Joint Summit, Beyond Textbook Affordability: Equity and Achievement Across California, Los Angeles, CA.
Martín Cuesta, J.I., & Han, L.Y. (2019, June). Data mining of citations in theses: A workflow for automated analysis of Open Access and library holdings coverage. Poster presented at OAI 11 – The CERN-UNIGE Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication, University of Geneva, Zurich. Winner of Best Poster.
Abrams, S. (2018, March 9). The means don’t quantify the ends: Criteria and metrics for evaluating digital preservation success. Seminar at the UC Berkeley Information School [presentation slides]. Retrieved from
Abrams, S. (2018, June 3-6), Theorizing success: Measures for evaluating digital preservation efficacy. Presentation at Joint Conference on Digital Library, Fort Worth.
Abrams, S. (2018, September 24-27). Nothing succeeds like success: An approach for evaluating digital preservation efficacy. Presentation at the 15th International Conference on Digital Preservation, Boston.
Barragan, S. P. (2018, October). Implementing Information Governance – Nightmare On Corporate America Street? Panel Presentation. Northeast Cybersecurity, Privacy and Data Protection, October 28-29, 2018.
Butler, W. (2018, October). Community college libraries in the open: Data from the ACRL/CJCLS OER library survey. Poster session presented at the 15th Annual Open Education Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.
Butler, W., & Rapue, D. (2018, October). How is your open educational resources initiative tied to equity?: Capturing and sharing data. Presentation at the RP Group’s Strengthening Student Success conference, Garden Grove, CA.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2018, May 23). Evolving practices and professional identity: how the new work we do relates to how we view and define the profession of librarianship. [Conference Session]. L2L Seminar / Workshop: Re-imagining identity: A seminar / workshop on professional identity for library staff who teach. Dublin Institute of Technology, 23 May 2018.
Han, L.Y., and Martín Cuesta, J.I. (2018, December). Data Mining of Citations in Doctoral Dissertations: Tool for Collection Development and Instructional Services. Poster presentation at Library Assessment Conference, 2018, Houston, Texas.
Hands, A. S. (2018, February). What doctoral student motivation tells us about the future of LIS education. Paper presented at ALISE Annual Conference. Retrieved from
Kaufmann K. F. (2018) The “Real World” Relevance of Information Literacy. In: Kurbanoğlu S., Boustany J., Špiranec S., Grassian E., Mizrachi D., Roy L. (eds) Information Literacy in the Workplace. ECIL 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 810.
Fraser-Arnott, Melissa. (2017). Identifying as a librarian: When and if LIS graduates in non-library roles use the title ‘Librarian’. (Poster). CAIS 2017 Conference – The Warp & Weft of Knowledge: Information Threads Connecting Disciplines, Identities, and Perspectives. Toronto, ON, Canada. [Poster Presentation]
Fraser-Arnott, Melissa. (2017). Competencies for information specialists. (Presentation). Library 2.017: Expertise, Competencies and Careers, Online. (Virtual Conference)
Han, L.Y. (2017, June). Design and Implementation of a Campus-Wide Online Plagiarism Tutorial: Role played by the Library in an emerging research institution in Saudi Arabia. Paper presented at the 38th Annual IATUL Conference, 2017, Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy.
Hands, A. S. (2017, January). What is the why?: Understanding initial motivation for earning a doctoral degree in library and information science. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education, Atlanta, GA.
Karadjova, K. G. (2017). Librarians’ understanding of Information Literacy in academic libraries in Bulgaria: A Case study. Paper presentation at the European Conference of Information Literacy 2017, Sept 18-21, St-Malo, France.
Karadjova, K. G. (2017). Dare to Share the Silence: Tools & Practices of Contemplative Pedagogy in a Library Brain Booth. Paper presentation at the European Conference of Information Literacy 2017, Sept 18-21, St-Malo, France.
Karadjova, K. G. (2017). Aleko Konstantinov (1863-1897), a Bulgarian traveler: To Chicago and Back. Paper presentation at the Simposium “Libros, viajes, viajeros: Los viajes a través de los libros como circuitos científico-socioculturales. Siglos XVI-XXI”, July 12-14, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Otero-Boisvert, M. & Stenstrom, C. (2017). Role of interpersonal influence in decision making about libraries by senior ranking officials. Panel presentation presented at the annual meeting of the American Library Association’s Library Research Round Table, Chicago, IL.
Barragan, S. P. (2016, May). Essential Strategies, Tactics, and Traits for the New CIGO: A Framework and Workshop with Richard Kessler. Chief Information Governance Summit, September, 2016.
Barragan, S. P. (2016, June). Changing How Content is Analyzed and its Effect on Organizations. 8th Annual QAI User Conference, June 2016. Washington, D.C.
Barragan, S. P. (2016, September). Transparency and Communication at the IMF. European Association for Banking and Financial History Conference, September, 2016.
Buchanan, S. (2016, April). The Lived Experience of Eighth Grade Students Engaged in Student Driven Inquiry. Graduate student conference panel presentation. The Rutger’s University Reimagining the Child: Next Steps in the Study of Childhood(s).
Buchanan, S. (2016, January). Student-driven, independent inquiry and academic motivation. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Boston, MA.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2016, January). Professional identities of LIS graduates in non-traditional roles. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Boston, MA.
Karadjova, K. G. (2016). Searching as Strategic Exploration: How well do faculty know their students’ opinions regarding information sources?, Paper presentation at the European Conference of Information Literacy 2016, Oct 9-13, Prague, Czech Republic.
Kaufmann, K. F. (2016) Socio-Cognitive Relevance of Information Literacy: The impact on student academic work. Paper presented at: IFLA WLIC 2016 – Columbus, OH – Connections. Collaboration. Community in Session 101 – Poster Sessions.
Morrison, K. (2016, April). ’Ain’t no love for us ghetto children, so we cold’: Critical Information Literacy, Hip Hop, & Asset Pedagogy. Show & Prove Hip hop Studies Conference, Riverside, CA.
Anderson, L. C., and Kieliszewski, C.A. (2015, October). Using digital trace data to examine the social dynamics of scientific teams. Poster at the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Anderson, L. C., and Kieliszewski, C.A. (2015, July). Co-creative aspects of data-driven discovery. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Anya, O., Moore, B., Kieliszewski, C., Maglio, P., and Anderson, L. (2015, July). Understanding the practice of discovery in enterprise big data science: An agent-based approach. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Barragan, S. P. (2015, August). Information Governance at the IMF: possible solution. Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting. August 2018.
Buchanan, S. (2015, June). The impact of student-driven, independent inquiry on academic motivation. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Paris.
Conrad, L. Y. (2015, September). Discoverability and delivery: Learning from users to support their work. Presented at the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers International Conference, London. Retrieved from
Karadjova, K. G. (2015). Arenas’ voice in exile: Can libraries and technology transcend exile?, Paper presentation at the Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Derechos Humanos, June 29-July 3, Gargnano, Italy.
Karadjova, K. G. (2015). Bridge and Teach: Collaboration in Course Curriculum Development Between a Science Librarian and Classics Professor. Poster presentation at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference, March 25-28, Portland, Oregon.
Maybee, C. (2015, April). Preparing today’s learners: The role of information literacy in the adoption of innovative pedagogies. Invited presentation at the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia. Available at
Morrison, K. (2015, March). Who knows? A cultural wealth approach to knowledge production, Information Literacy and civic participation. Presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), Portland, OR.
Morrison, K. (2015, March). Cultural wealth & information literacy: A critical approach to participatory literacy. Presented at the National Association to Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking (REFORMA) Conference, San Diego, CA.
Morrison, K. (2015, May). Critical literacies & asset pedagogies: Implications for information literacy praxis. Presented at the Canadian Association of Professional Academic Librarians (CAPAL) Conference, Ottawa, Canada.
Otero-Boisvert, M., Romaniuk, M.J., Stenstrom, C., Fisher, B. & Haycock, K. (2015 January). Transforming LIS Professionals into Self-Confident Leaders. Juried panel. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Chicago, IL.
Sarraf, N. (2015, March). Smart affective search [Lightening talk]. Presented at the iConference, Newport, California.
Stenstrom, C. (2015, July). Decision-making practices of public library CEOs. Presented at the 8th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference, Brisbane, QLD.
Zou, H. (2015, April). Understanding library user engagement strategies through large-scale Twitter analysis, Paper presented at First International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications, San Francisco, CA.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2014). Librarians as Knowledge Managers: How Librarians Can Lead and Support Organizational Knowledge Management Initiatives. Presented at ARMA 2014 Fall IM Days, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2014). Moving from Librarian to Knowledge Manager: How Libraries and Librarians Can Play a Key Role in Organizational Knowledge Management. Presented at the Canadian Library Association Annual Conference in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2014). Smart Training: Optimizing Training Initiatives. Presented at the Canadian Library Association Annual Conference in Victoria, BC, Canada.
Kieliszewski, C. A., Anderson, L.C., and Stucky, S.U. (2014, July). A case study: Designing the service experience for big data discovery. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Krakow, Poland. AHFE Conference 2014 Publishing, 460-473 (ISBN 978-1-4951-2091-6).
Langston, B., Lelescu, A., Louie, E., Cheng, I., Labrie, J., Colino, J., Anderson, L., Kato, L., and Chen, Y. (2014, April). The Strategic IP insight Platform (SIIP): A Foundation for Discovery. IEEE: SRII Conference.
Morrison, K. (2014, April). “Ain’t no love for us ghetto children, so we cold”: hip hop, information literacy 3 and student agency. California Conference on Library Instruction (CCLI), Oakland, CA. Invited speaker.
Otero-Boisvert, M. (2014, January). Funding the academic library: An ethnography. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Romaniuk, M. J. (2014 January). Developing emerging leaders in the library profession: Program content, self-efficacy and leadership. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Philadelphia, PA.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2013). Opportunities for LIS Graduates: Capitalizing on our Transferable Competencies. Presentation at the Library 2.013 (Virtual Conference). Available at
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2013). Transferable Competencies: Opportunities for LIS Graduates in Non-Librarian Positions. Presentation at the Canadian Library Association Ottawa Fall Kick-Off in Ottawa, ON, Canada.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2013). Transferable Competencies: Opportunities for LIS Graduates in Non-Librarian Positions. Presented at the Canadian Library Association Conference in Winnipeg, MB, Canada.
Harlan, M. A. (2013). Digital Media and Learning Conference. Panel Convener: Generation Connect: Evolution of a Youth-Center Network in San Francisco.
Livermore, F. Maybee, C., & Keen, S. (2013, April). Making history: Using digital storytelling to teach discipline-specific information practices to undergraduates. Poster presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Maybee, C., Doan, T, & Garritano, J. (2013, April). Librarians with impact: Contributing to campus-wide learning space and course-redesign initiatives. Panel presented at the Association of College and Research Libraries Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
Anderson, L. (2012). Information Sharing in Virtual Collaboration – A Software Engineering Perspective. Work-In-Progress Poster presented at the 2012 ALISE Annual Conference. Extending our Reach: Expanding Horizons, Creating Opportunity, Dallas, TX, USA.
Carman, S. H., Strong, H. R., Chandra, A. A., Oh, S., Spangler, W. S., & Anderson, L. C. (2012, October). Predictive Value Of Comments in the Service Engagement Process. ASIST 2012. Presented at the American Society for Information Science Annual Meeting 2012, Baltimore, MD, USA: John Wiley and Sons.
Harlan, M.A. (2012). Information Practices of Teen Content Creators, Panel: Source Code: Digital Youth Participation. Presented at American Library Association conference, Anaheim, CA.
Inzerilla, T. (2012). Academic faculty’s teaching social networks: How can library faculty’s role be more integral? ALISE: Doctoral Poster. Dallas, TX.
Maybee, C. (2012, August). Using information to learn: Informed learning in the higher education classroom. Invited seminar presented at the University of Borås, Borås, Sweden.
Maybee, C. (2012, August). Variations in student experiences of learning to use information in context. Paper presented at Special Interest Group Meeting 9 (Phenomenography and Variation Theory Conference) of the European Association of Research for Learning and Instruction (EARLI), Jönköping, Sweden.
Psaier, H., Anderson, L., Ludwig, H., & Shaw, B. (2012). Identifying and Managing Variation Scope in Service Management. IEEE 2012 World Congress on Services (Services 2012). Presented at the IEEE 19th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2012), Honolulu, Hawaii: IEEE Computer Society. Retrieved from Read in IEEE ICWS 2012 Proceedings.
Stenstrom, C. (2012, January). Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: A case study of public libraries in Canada. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Dallas, TX.
Stenstrom, C. (2012, October). Cheaper or faster: Who benefits when cities manage the public library’s information technology services? Presented at Library 2.012 Conference, online.
Tucker, V. M. (2012, January). Threshold concepts in search expertise. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, Dallas, TX.
Tucker, V. M. (2012, April). What does it mean to be an expert searcher in a 2.0 world? Presentation. American Society for Information Science & Technology Chapter, San José State University, San José, CA.
Tucker, V. M. (2012, June). Threshold concepts in search expertise. Poster session. 4th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
Wakimoto, D. K. (2012, January). Queer community archives. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), Dallas, TX.
Wakimoto, D. K., Maybee, C., & Tucker, V. (2012, October). Cutting, polishing, and displaying: Preparing jewels from your thesis for presentations and publications. Presented at Library 2.012 Conference, online.
Wakimoto, D. K. (2012, November). A tale of two community archives: Saving histories, empowering individuals, and changing practice. Paper presented at the Buildings, Books & Blackboards: Intersecting Narratives Conference, Melbourne, Australia.
Anderson, Laura. (2011). Putting the “Information” into Information Technology: Reflections on a non-traditional LIS career. Presented at the Library 2.011 Web conference presentation, worldwide; virtual. Retrieved from
Hall, S., Haycock, K. & Stenstrom, C. (2011, April). Public library funding in the political arena: New insights into decision making about your budget. Presented at the British Columbia Library Association Annual Conference, Victoria, Canada.
Hall, S. Haycock, K. & Stenstrom, C. (2011, January). Getting your politician’s attention. Presented at the Ontario Library Association Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada.
Harlan, M. A. (2011). Pathways through Information Experiences: Exploring information practices of teen content creators in digital communities. Paper presented at the Connections Conference Milwaukee.
Harlan, M. A. (2011). Experiences of Using Information to Learn. Library 2.011. Online Presentation.
Haycock, K. & Stenstrom, C. (2011, May). Getting your politician’s attention: Factors affecting the funding decisions of elected politicians. Presented at the Canadian Library Association Annual Conference, Halifax, Canada.
Inzerilla, T., Loertscher, D., Bruce, C. S., & Lupton, M. (2011). Academic faculty’s teaching social networks : what is the extent of library faculty’s inclusion? In Benoit, Edward III (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2011 Great Lakes Connections Conference: Discourse & Illumination, UW-Milwaukee’s School of Continuing Education, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Retrieved from
Maybee, C. (2011, January). Information literacy in the higher education classroom. Poster session presented at the Association of Library and Information Science Educators, San Diego, CA.
Romaniuk, M. J. & Ingles, E.B. (2011, May). Adding rigor to program evaluation: A mixed methods approach to evaluating library leadership development programs. Presented at the 3rd International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries. Athens, Greece.
Shaw, B., Anderson, L., Blomberg, J., Cefkin, M., Ludwig, H., Rankin, Y., & Stucky, S. (2011). Drivers of Variation and Limits of Standardization in Complex Global Service Systems. Presented at the INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting, Charlotte, NC, USA.
Stenstrom, C. (2011, October). Influencing decision makers to give libraries more funding? Presented at Worldwide Library 2.011 Conference, online.
Strong, H. R., Zhou, R., Anderson, L. C., Oh, S., Chandra, A. A., Rankin, Y. R., Ludwig, H., et al. (2011). Translating between Technical Dialects. Presented at the INFORMS Annual Meeting 2011, Charlotte, NC, USA.
Tucker, V. M. (2011, January). Becoming an expert searcher. Poster session. Association for Library and Information Science Education, San Diego, CA.
Tucker, V. M. (2011, November). Legal information questions in the public library setting. Library 2.011 Worldwide Virtual Conference.
Wakimoto, D. K. (2011, January). Community archives. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE), San Diego, CA.
Anderson, L., Shaw, B., & Thomas, J. (2010). Navigating the landscape: Making insight actionable and realizable. Presented at the CHI 2010 Bridging the Gap Workshop: Moving from Contextual Analysis to Design, Atlanta, Georgia.
Anderson, Laura Challman, Johns, K. M., Lichtsinn, M., Rhodes, J., Strong Jr, H. R., & Zhou, R. (2010). Enhancing Collaboration with IBM’s Rational Jazz ™. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 6470, pp. 501–514). Presented at the ICSOC – 8th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing, San Francisco, CA.
Anderson, Laura, & Zhou, R. (2010). Integration of Project Management and Software Development Processes in a Complex Project. Conference Presentation presented at the INFORMS 2010 Annual Meeting; Topics in Project Management Cluster. Austin, TX, USA.
Harlan, M. A. (2010). Information Practices of Teen Content Creators. ALISE. Poster Presentation. Boston, MA.
Inzerilla, T. (2010). Academic and library faculty collaboration: A social network analysis ALISE: Works in Progress Poster. Boston, MA.
Romaniuk, M. J. (2010, August). Library Leadership Development: What does this mean and why should we care? Presented at the San José State University – SLIS Research Colloquium, San José, USA. : Video taped and available online at San José State University - SLIS.
Books and Book Chapters
Kalani, A., Krueger, S., & McCracken K. (Eds.), 2023. Trans and Gender Diverse Voices in Libraries. Litwin Books & Library Juice Press.
Nuhn, P. & Kaufmann K.F. (2021). Supporting Transfer Student Success: The essential role of college and university libraries. Libraries Unlimited
Nuhn, P. & Kaufmann K.F. (2020). Supporting Transfer Student Success: The essential role of college and university libraries. Libraries Unlimited.
Barragan, Salvador P. (2019). Information Governance Maturity Model: Should Retention Be Rethought?. In S. Katuu (Ed.), Diverse Applications and Transferability of Maturity Models (pp. 92-119). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2018), Combining Project Management and Change Management for Project Success in Libraries. In Alice Daugherty , Samantha Schmehl Hines (ed.) Project Management in the Library Workplace (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 38) Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.167-186.
Maybee, Clarence. (2018). IMPACT learning: Librarians at the forefront of change in higher education. Chandos Publishing.
Tucker, Virginia & Lampson, M. (2018). Finding the answers to legal questions, 2d edition. Chicago: ALA Editions.
Karadjova, K. G. (2017). Arenas’ voice in exile: can libraries and technology transcend banishment? in Donde no habite el olvido. Herencia y transmisión del testimonio. Perspectivas socio-jurídicas, Marzia Rosti, Valentina Paleari (eds.), Di Segni, Milano, pp. 167-173.
Karadjova, K. G. (2017 November). Poster Popovers: Bringing the Wildlife Senior’s Research Poster Session to the Library, In Sittler, R. & Rogerson, T. (Eds.). The Library Outreach Cookbook (ACRL Cookbook series).
Wakimoto, D. K. (2018). Easy graphic design for librarians: From color to kerning. Chicago: ALA Editions.
Baker-Gardner, Ruth and Smart, Cherry-Ann. 2016[2017]. Ignorance or Intent? A Caribbean Perspective of Plagiarism in Higher Education among LIS students: A Case Study. In Handbook of Research on Academic Misconduct in Higher Education, edited by D. M. Velliaris, chap. 9. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1610-1
Smart, Cherry-Ann and Newman, Dunstan. (2015). Academic libraries in higher education: Capacity Building at The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. In Mondal, P., & Chakraborty, S. (Eds.), LIS Careers at the Crossroads: Challenges and Opportunities, 263-272. Calcutta: Department of Library and Information Science, University of Calcutta.
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2015). Expanding the horizon of the MLIS. In Introduction to Today’s Information Services, Hirsh, S. ed. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
Hands, A. S. (2015). Successfully serving the college bound. Chicago: ALA Editions.
Harlan, M. A. (2015). Literacy and media centers in the 21st century: School libraries. In Introduction to Today’s Information Services, Hirsh, S. ed. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
Stenstrom, C. (2015). Demonstrating value: Assessment. In Introduction to Today’s Information Services, Hirsh, S. ed. Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group.
Weare, W. H., Jr. (2015). Succession planning in academic libraries: A reconsideration. In S. S. Hines & M. Simons (Eds.), Library staffing for the future (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, 34, 313-361). Bingley, U.K.: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Harlan, M. A. (2014). Information experiences of teen content creators. In Bruce, C., et al. (Eds.) Information Experience : Approaches to Theory and Practice. Library and Information Science Series, 9. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley , UK.
Maybee, C. (2014). Experiences of informed learning in the undergraduate classroom. In Bruce, C., et al. (Eds.) Information Experience : Approaches to Theory and Practice. Library and Information Science Series, 9. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley , UK.
Tucker, V. M. (2014). The expert searcher’s experience of information. In Bruce, C., et al. (Eds.) Information Experience : Approaches to Theory and Practice. Library and Information Science Series, 9. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley , UK.
Tucker, V. M. (2014). The expert searcher’s experience of information. In: Information experience: Approaches to theory & practice. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Smart, C. and Stewart-Fullerton, C. (2013). Exploration of an e-resources consortium in Jamaica: An initial examination and tentative suggestions for the future. In A. Woodsworth & W.D. Penniman (Eds.) Mergers and Alliances: The Operational View and Cases (Advances in Librarianship, Volume 37) (pp. 243-268). Bingley (UK): Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Berendt, L. and Otero-Boisvert, M. (2012). Future proofing the academic librarian. In B. Crowley (Ed.) Defending Professionalism: A Resource for Librarians, Information Specialists, Knowledge Managers, and Archivists (pp. 75-89). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.
Ludwig, H., Rankin, Y., Enyedi, R., & Anderson, L. (2011). Process Variation Analysis Using Empirical Methods: A Case Study. In S. Rinderle-Ma, F. Toumani, & K. Wolf (Eds.), Business Process Management, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Vol. 6896, pp. 62–65). Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. Retrieved from×7v530/abstract/
Romaniuk, M.J. & Ingles, E. B. (2011, May). Adding rigor to program evaluation: A mixed methods approach to evaluating library leadership development programs. In Book of Abstracts: Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries QQML (2011) A. Katsirikou ed.
Tucker, V. M. & Lampson, M. (2010). Finding the answers to legal questions. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
Abrams, Stephen (2023) A Communicological critique of evaluative norms for digital preservation success. PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology. (Doctoral dissertation)
Conrad, L. Y. (2022). Managing academic information: A grounded theory model of the student-researcher information experience. (Doctoral dissertation).
Smart, C. (2021). Towards transformative engagement: The international and foreign student stakeholders in the academic library: a view from the subaltern. (Doctoral dissertation).
Barragan, S. (2020). Appraisal and retention of information in the private sector: A case study. (Doctoral dissertation).
Sarraf, N. (2019). Mapping the neural activities and affective dimensions of the ISP model: Correlates in the search exploration, formulation, and collection stages. (Doctoral dissertation).
Zou, H. (2019). Understanding the Role of Social Media in Enhancing Participatory Services in Public Libraries. (Doctoral dissertation).
Kaufmann, K. F. (2018). Sociocognitive relevance of information literacy: The impact on student academic work. (Doctoral dissertation).
Buchanan, S. M. C. (2018). The lived experience of middle school students engaged in student-driven inquiry: A phenomenological study. (Doctoral dissertation).
Hands, A. S. (2018). Doctoral student motivation: An exploratory study of motivating factors for earning the PhD. (Doctoral dissertation).
Morrison, K. Counter-story as curriculum: Autoenthnography, critical race theory, and informed assets in the information literacy classroom. (Doctoral dissertation).
Anderson, L. C. (2016). Information sharing in virtual collaboration: A software engineering perspective. (Doctoral dissertation).
Fraser-Arnott, M. (2016). Personalizing professionalism: The professional identity experiences of LIS graduates in non-library roles. (Doctoral dissertation).
Maybee, C. (2015). Informed learning in the undergraduate classroom: The role of information experiences in shaping outcomes. (Doctoral dissertation).
Otero-Boisvert, M. (2015). Funding the academic library: An ethnography. (Doctoral dissertation).
Romaniuk, M. J. (2014). Developing emerging leaders in the library profession: Program content, self-efficacy and leadership. (Doctoral dissertation).
Inzerilla, T. (2013) Community college faculty’s teaching social networks and their implications for librarians. (Doctoral dissertation).
Tucker, V. M. (2013) Acquiring search expertise: Learning experiences and threshold concepts. (Doctoral dissertation).
Harlan, M. A. (2012) Information pathways: The information practices and experiences of teen content creators. (Doctoral dissertation).
Stenstrom, C. (2012). Factors influencing funding decisions by elected politicians at the state/provincial level: A case study of public libraries in Canada. (Doctoral dissertation).
Wakimoto, D. K. (2012). The history of queer community archives in California since 1950. (Doctoral dissertation).