MARA 289 Required Content


Required Content — MARA 289

Your e-Portfolio should contain the following required components:

1st component: Introduction

  • A brief Introduction to the e-Portfolio (its organization and structure, the process you followed)

2nd component: Statement of Professional Philosophy (only for those who entered the School before Spring 2015). If you entered the School in Spring 2015 or later, you do not write a statement of professional philosophy but instead address Comp J. Please see this page.

  • A Statement of Professional Philosophy (approximately three to five pages) — thoughtful and articulate, with reference to experiences, learning, readings; your conception of archives and records administration as it relates to the specific type(s) of organizations in which you plan to pursue your career; your professional goals; and the relationship of these goals to the items in your e-Portfolio. You should also discuss here your understanding of the final competency J: “Identify ways in which archivists and records administrators contribute to the cultural, economic, educational and social well-being of our global communities” and demonstrate (in your discussion) your mastery of this competency.

3rd-11th components: Areas of Competency

Important: If you entered the school in Spring 2015 or later you will address Core Competencies A-J but will not write a separate statement of professional philosophy. Please see this page. If you entered the school prior to Spring 2015 you will address Competencies A-I and write a statement of professional philosophy as outlined above.

A Statement of Competency is required for each of the 9 or 10 Core Competencies. (A-I or A-J depending on when you entered the school). While each advisor may have different specifics they would prefer that you address, in general, consider the following as an example of a competency statement organizational structure:

  • Interpretation: Start with what you understand the competency to mean – define the competency and address each of the content items expected for each competency as identified and detailed in the MARA 289 e-Portfolio Rubric.
  • Supporting Evidence: Discuss what coursework/work experience prepared you for understanding and being able to perform the competency.
    • Present and discuss each piece of evidence you selected (providing a link to the evidence) – explain why you selected this evidence and how it demonstrates your competency and the skills and knowledge you learned.
    • You must include 3 pieces of evidence for each competency–one of which may be a discussion thread in which you contributed in a substantive manner.
    • You may use each piece of evidence a maximum of twice (it may support two different core competencies).
  • Conclusion: Close by discussing how you are able (know how to, or can) apply or transfer your skills and knowledge now or in the future to different [work] situations or environments.

See Download the MARA 289 Rubric, which describes what specifically needs to be addressed for a SATISFACTORY statement of competency.

12th component: Conclusion

  • Conclusion: In your Conclusion Statement, include your reflections on your MARA program, a discussion of your strengths, and a professional growth plan (relating to the achievement of the professional goals outlined in your Statement of Professional Philosophy if you included one), plus any final comments and conclusions.

13th component: Affirmation

  • Affirmation: Each e-Portfolio must close with a statement from the student affirming the following:
  1. All introductory, reflective, and evidentiary work submitted is mine alone (except where indicated as a group or team project), and has been prepared solely by me.
  2. I am protecting the privacy of the contents of my e-Portfolio by password protecting it or by sharing the URL only with my e-Portfolio advisor.
  3. Before making my e-Portfolio public I will respect the privacy of others by removing mention in this e-Portfolio of information that could lead to the identity of individuals (team members in group projects, internship supervisors, interviewees, etc.) and institutions
  4. [Your name]

You may use the exact wording above for the Affirmation.

