INFO 289 Examples of Evidentiary Items
Examples of Evidentiary Items — INFO 289
The selection of the evidentiary items to include in your e-Portfolio will depend on the nature of the competency. Some examples of potential documents to include are given below. Canvas Download Submissions Tool for Collecting Evidentiary Items
Be sure that each item you include in your final e-Portfolio represents your best work. If in doubt, consult your e-Portfolio advisor. Again, it must be clear from the Statement of Competency (in which you introduce and discuss the evidentiary items for a specific competency) exactly how and why the evidence relates to the specific area of competence. This list below is merely illustrative.
- essays, reports, research papers
- assignment evaluations, taking into consideration care for the privacy of instructors and fellow students (for example the competency for effective communication may be addressed in part through an instructor’s evaluation of a presentation)
- analytical papers (such as applying a program area to your work, e.g., assessing your library’s organizational culture using course criteria, critiquing a library strategic plan to demonstrate knowledge of planning)
- critical notes
- article summaries and analyses
- recent professional publications (from the last three years)
- database files
- websites
- Web/social media presentations
- Zoom recordings
- video capture of an individual or group presentation; media files; PowerPoint slide presentations
- performance appraisals (for instance a written document commending your ability to work in teams, although not sufficient in and of itself, may add weight to other evidence of your collaborative skills)
- recent (within the last two years) professional development (for example participation in and a discussion of your learning from an institute on effective teaching may be one part of the objective on staff development)
- recent project samples
- photos of recent library displays, events (from within the last two years)
- recent relevant work projects and products (from work outside of the School) that provide documentation of competence. Work products should not be more than two years old and should include proof that the work was completed by you.