MLIS Required Courses


INFO 200 Information Communities

Examines information users and the social, cultural, economic, technological, and political forces that shape their information access and use. The different resources and services that information professionals provide for their user communities will also be addressed as well as ethical/legal professional practice. INFO 200 meets SJSU’s graduate writing assessment requirement. All INFO 200 students receive a one-year paid membership in a professional association.

Note: Must be completed with a grade of B or better. If the grade is less than B (B- or lower) after the first attempt you will be placed on administrative academic probation. You must repeat the class as soon as possible. If -on the second attempt- you do not pass the class with a grade of B or better (not B- but B) you will be disqualified. (See required grade details.)


INFO 202 Information Retrieval System Design

This course covers the design, querying, and evaluation of information retrieval systems, from web hierarchies to controlled vocabularies.

Note: Must be completed with a grade of B or better. If the grade is less than B (B- or lower) after the first attempt you will be placed on administrative academic probation. You must repeat the class as soon as possible. If -on the second attempt- you do not pass the class with a grade of B or better (not B- but B) you will be disqualified. (See required grade details.)


INFO 203 Online Learning

All new MLIS students must complete INFO 203: Online Learning Tools and Strategies for Success, a 1-unit CR/NC course, within the first four weeks of their first semester. Requests to add the class after the semester has started are not granted without extenuating circumstances and must be within the first 7 days. No exceptions.

This course introduces key technologies and strategies for online learning, including social networking, learning management tools, library databases, web conferencing, and more.


INFO 204 Information Professions

Examines the organizations and environments in which information professionals work. This course explores different specializations and career paths, professional communities, networks and resources, ethical and legal frameworks. This course also introduces management and leadership theories and concepts and applies them to different information environments. A special focus is placed on management responsibilities in order to emphasize the importance of these skills in the professional workplace.

Note: Must be completed with a grade of B or better. If the grade is less than B (B- or lower) after the first attempt you will be placed on administrative academic probation. You must repeat the class as soon as possible. If -on the second attempt- you do not pass the class with a grade of B or better (not B- but B) you will be disqualified. (See required grade details.)


INFO 285 Applied Research Methods

All students must complete INFO 285 (Research Methods) before graduating. INFO 285 (Research Methods) will be offered with different areas of focus. Students may select any area of focus.

Note: INFO 285 is a required course for MLIS students and cannot be replaced with MARA 285.

See INFO 285 Topics

Waiver Option for INFO 285

If a student has taken and passed a graduate level-research methods course within the last 5 years (as documented by an official transcript), the student can petition the Coordinator of Admissions and Academic Advising to waive the INFO 285 requirement. Please send a PDF copy of your transcript to the Coordinator of Admissions and Academic Advising as an attachment.

A waiver, if granted, does not reduce the total units required for the MLIS degree. It simply means that you are not required to take INFO 285 as one of your MLIS classes.

Please send an electronic copy of the transcript (scanned as a pdf file) to the Coordinator of Admissions and Academic Advising.

Note: If a waiver is approved it will not be reflected in My Progress in mySJSU. INFO 285 will remain on the My Progress list. We will note it when we submit your candidacy form.

Prerequisites: INFO 200, INFO 202, INFO 204

Repeatable with different topics up to 6 units.