MSIDT Capstone Course
IDT 298 Capstone Course
For the 3-unit capstone course, students demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills acquired during the degree program through 1) a proposed solution to an instructional and/or human performance problem; and 2) an e-Portfolio demonstrating accomplishment of all Program Learning Outcomes.
Course Overview
The Capstone Applied Project and e-Portfolio course is the final course required for students in the MS in Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) program. The culminating course is taken during the last semester of the program. Students are expected to have finished or be concurrently enrolled in all other required courses. The course projects demonstrate mastery through the application and skills developed in the IDT program. Students regularly provide updates to the instructor and have opportunities to provide feedback and support to peer students in the weekly discussion forums and monthly Zoom meetings (optional but recommended). All course requirements must be completed by the last day of the 15-week course. Students are expected to spend a minimum of 135 hours on the course.
Students complete 1) a proposed solution to solve an instructional and/or human performance problem; and 2) an e-Portfolio demonstrating accomplishment of all Program Learning Outcomes.
For the proposed solution to a performance problem, students identify an authentic instructional and/or human performance problem and then design and develop a proposed solution to address the identified need. The final report includes the identified problem, situational environment, project methodology, proposed outcomes, and recommendations. The project demonstrates the students’ problem-solving and analytical abilities and ability to integrate IDT principles and skills acquired during the program to a real-world problem. The project will involve only the analysis/assessment of a learning/performance problem, recommended design and potential solution to the applied problem. It will not involve the actual development or implementation of a solution but rather a proposed solution only.
The e-Portfolio assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of all Program Learning Outcomes for the IDT degree before graduation, as well as demonstrate competences in core areas for IDT professionals. Students write reflective essays and support them with a wide array of artifacts, evidence, assignments, and experiences produced throughout their program.