PhD Admissions Requirements
Admissions Requirements — Gateway PhD
Applicants who meet the following minimum requirements will be considered for admission in the Gateway PhD program:
A relevant research master’s degree, with first or second-class standing (GPA 3.5 minimum) from a recognized institution.
Demonstrated experience with research. This is typically achieved through the research master’s degree (such as with a thesis) or a master’s degree with a research component equivalent to one-third of the course credits, or research competency that is demonstrated in peer reviewed research data collection and analysis evidenced in research reports, publications, or scholarly conference presentations.
We are currently recruiting for students in these research areas:
- Academic, Community College, & Public Libraries
- Archives
- Data Science
- Deep Learning
- Digital access and inclusion
- Digital literacy
- Diversity, inclusion, community, and equity
- Health Records
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Information interactions
- Information literacy
- Information retrieval
- Information seeking
- LIS as a profession
- LIS education
- Library history
- Library leadership and management
- Libraries in society and culture
- Literacy and reading
- Natural Language Processing
- Privacy
- Recruitment & Retention of Underrepresented Librarians
- Social justice in LIS
- Social media analysis
For application procedures and deadlines, see How to Apply.