
FAQs — Teacher Librarian


  1. Q. How do I enroll in the Teacher Librarian Program?
    A. The Teacher Librarian program is embedded in the MLIS program. In order to apply for the Teacher Librarian program, you apply for the MLIS program. Information on the application process can be found here. Once you have been accepted into the MLIS program, declare your intent and interest in the TL program by enrolling in the Teacher Librarian Advising site.
  2. Q. Can I co-enroll in a multiple or single subject teaching credential program and the MLIS?
    A. This is not a recommended path and the SJSU iSchool does not provide a co-enrollment option.
  3. Q. Can I enroll in Financial Aid for the TL Credential-only program?
    A. No, federal financial aid is not available for the TL Credential-only program, although it is available for the MLIS.
  4. Q. I completed the 31 unit CA Teacher Librarian Services Credential previously. Can I come back to finish the remaining units or do I have to reapply for admission and complete the full 43 units?
    A. This answer will depend on a couple of factors. If you recently completed the TL Credential under the Credential-only program plan, check with the Registrar to see if you are still an active student. If so, it may be possible to change your program plan to MLIS with the College of Education. Check with the College of Education for advising on whether you can still complete a Change of Graduate Program Petition. If it has been longer than two semesters since you last attended SJSU, you will need to apply for admission to the MLIS. If the 31 units used toward the credential have not expired (See 7 year limit), by the time the remaining MLIS units have been completed, they can be used toward the MLIS.


  1. Q. How can I network with other Teacher Librarian candidates?
    A. Please enroll in the Teacher Librarian Advising site. This will allow you to communicate with Jonathan Hunt, the Teacher Librarian program coordinator. It will also allow you to communicate with other Teacher Librarian program students. Opportunities to ask questions, provide information, learn about scholarships, volunteer opportunities, and jobs are frequently posted and shared on this site.


  1. Q. I am a working teacher librarian who is enrolled in the program. Do I still need to complete fieldwork?
    A. Yes.


  1. Q. Do I have to have a teaching credential in order to obtain a teacher librarian credential?
    A. In California, yes. However, this requirement varies from state to state. For information on different states visit the AASL site or the School Library Media Month. It is important to check with your home state to determine if they only require approved course work or if they in fact expect you to meet all of the requirements for a CA Teacher Librarian Services Credential. A sample question might be: “Do I have to complete a program making me eligible for a endorsement in the home institution state or is course work sufficient?” If the answer is that you need to meet all of the requirements for a CA Teacher Librarian Services Credential, you will need the following: A valid California Clear Professional Teaching Credential, Basic Skills Authorization, and English Language Learner Authorization
  2. Q. Can I take the TL classes without a teaching credential and apply for the Teacher Librarian Services Credential after I obtain a teaching license?
    A. This is not recommended. You need a Clear Professional Teaching Credential so this path would require one year of an educator preparation program, and two years of classroom teaching before you could apply for the Teacher Librarian Services Credential.
  3. Q. I have an MLIS and am interested in obtaining a Teacher Librarian Services Credential. Can I do this?
    A. Yes. However, you need the following to be eligible: A valid California Clear Professional Teaching Credential, Basic Skills Authorization, English Language Learner Authorization

If you meet the prerequisites listed above, contact Jonathan Hunt with your information. Please include the year you obtained your MLIS and a list of courses you completed in your MLIS program. She will provide further information on necessary course work and the application process.
