Profiles of PhD Students and Alumni


Profiles of Gateway PhD Students and Alumni

The Gateway PhD program is a global research program. We invite you to learn more about our current doctoral students and the alumni.

Gateway PhD Program Current Students

Gateway PhD Students with MMU

Melissa Cardenas-Dow

Melissa Cardenas-Dow

Proposal Title: Scholar-Practitioner-Advocate Framework of Ethnic Studies Academic Librarianship: How Academic Librarians Perceive and Embody Their Roles Within the University Community

Elizabeth Dill

Elizabeth Dill

Proposal Title: A Conceptual Framework for Librarian Professional Hesitancy

Jessica Lewis Marshall

Jessica Lewis Marshall

Proposal Title: The Intersection of Digital Archives and National Identity in Jamaica: A Focus on the National Library

Natalie Wells

Natalie Wells

Proposal Title: Best Practices in Academic Libraries for Helping Neurodivergent (ID) Students in the United States of America and the United Kingdom


Samuel Chiang

Samuel Chiang headshot

Proposal Title: The effects of research & library anxiety on secondary students’ information literacy behaviours in the research process.

Susie Kopecky

Susie Kopecky headshot

Proposal Title: Information-seeking Behavior, Perceptions of Citation and Plagiarism and Its Variation Between Community College Students and Instructors


Andrew Weiss

Andrew Weiss headshot

Proposal Title: Examination of a comprehensive model for fake news and misinformation

Andrea Medina-Smith

Andrea Medina-Smith

Proposal Title: What are we measuring and what does it tell us?: Data metrics for impact assessment – Federal agencies

Tommy Vinh Bui

Proposal Title: Artist Residencies in Library Spaces: Examining Mechanisms of Impact and Gauging Effectiveness

Rebecca Bryant Penrose

Proposal Title:Academic Libraries and the Use of Institutional Research Data

Gateway PhD Program Alumni

Jennine Knight (2024)


Transforming academic libraries through strategic partnerships: The Caribbean case of the UWI.

Stephen Abrams (2023)

Dissertation Title: A Communicological Framework for Evaluating Digital Preservation Efficacy 

Walter Butler (2022)

Dissertation Title: Changing in the Open: OER Textbooks, Online Communities, and the Management of Academic Libraries

Lettie Conrad (2022)

Dissertation Title: Managing Academic Information: A Grounded Theory Model of the Student-Researcher Information Experience

Pat Sandercock (2022)

Dissertation Title: Understanding the Information Choices of Technical College Students

Richard Okumoto (2021)

Dissertation Title: Digital Storytelling in Higher Education Improves Student Learning Objectives Retention

Cherry-Ann Smart (2021)

Dissertation Title: Towards Transformative Engagement: The International and Foreign Student Stakeholders in the Academic Library: A View from the Subaltern

Salvador Barragan (2020)

Dissertation Title: Appraisal and Retention of Information in the Private Sector: A Case Study

Karen Kaufmann (2019)

Dissertation Title: Socio-cognitive Relevance of Information Literacy: The Impact on Student Success

Nilo Sarraf (2019)

Dissertation Title: Mapping the Neurophysiological and Affective Dimensions of the Information Search Process Model

Hongbo Zou (2019)

Dissertation Title: Understanding the Role of Social Media in Enhancing Participatory Services in Public Libraries

Shelly Buchanan (2018)

Dissertation Title: The lived experience of middle school students engaged in student-driven inquiry: A phenomenological study.

Africa Hands (2018)

Dissertation Title: Doctoral Student Motivation: An Exploratory Study of Motivating Factors for Earning the PhD

Kim Morrison (2018)

Dissertation Title: Counter-story as Curriculum: Autoethnography, Critical Race Theory, and Informed Assets in the Information Literacy Classroom

Laura Anderson (2016)

Dissertation Title: Information Sharing in Virtual Collaboration: A Software Engineering Perspective

Melissa Fraser-Arnott (2016)

Dissertation Title: Personalizing Success: The Professional Identity Experiences of LIS Graduates in Non-Library Roles

Clarence Maybee (2015)

Dissertation Title: Informed Learning in the Undergraduate Classroom: The Role of Information Experiences in Shaping Outcomes 

Maria Otero-Boisvert (2015)

Dissertation Title: Funding the Academic Library: An Ethnography

Mary‑Jo Romaniuk (2014)

Dissertation Title: Developing Emerging Leaders in the Library Profession: Program Content, Self-efficacy and Leadership

Tina Inzerilla (2013)

Dissertation Title: Community College Faculty’s Teaching Social Networks and Their Implications for Librarians

Virginia Tucker (2013)

Dissertation Title: Acquiring Search Expertise: Learning Experiences and Threshold Concepts

Mary Ann Harlan (2012) 

Dissertation Title: Information Pathways: The Information Practices and Experiences of Teen Content Creators

Cheryl Stenström (2012) 

Dissertation Title: Factors Influencing Funding Decisions by Elected Politicians at the State/Provincial Level: A Case Study of Public Libraries in Canada

Diana Wakimoto (2012)

Dissertation Title: The History of Queer Community Archives in California Since 1950


Karen Kaufmann

Karen Kaufmann is a Research and Instruction Librarian with a focus on public relations and marketing the library at Seminole State College of Florida. Before joining the Seminole State College Library faculty, she worked at Rollins College, Winter Park, Florida as a prospect researcher for the Crummer Graduate School of Business and in the Office of Foundation Relations.  Kaufmann’s experience includes working in the financial services sector as a financial advisor, investing and financial planning.


Jennine Knight

Jennine’s doctoral work is guided by her desire to participate meaningfully in the scholarly discourse on the role and value of Caribbean academic libraries. She has proposed a case study approach on how academic libraries create value for their respective institutions through effective fulfillment of the needs of their diverse stakeholders.


Clarence Maybee

Clarence is interested in how higher education students are taught to use information to learn. During his Masters-level studies at SJSU, he conducted two research projects revealing how higher education students experience information use in a learning environment. After graduating with his MLIS in 2005, Clarence worked as the Information Literacy Librarian at Mills College in Oakland, CA (2005 – 2007) and Colgate University in Hamilton, NY (2007 – 2011). Currently, Clarence serves as the Information Literacy Specialist at Purdue University Libraries.